Monday, 4 June 2018

Monthly Goals #6

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well. I always say this but if I'm honest, it helps me get the ball rolling. I never know how to start these, despite writing blog posts for over three years.

ANYWAYS, I can't actually believe this is already number six for my monthly goals. Seems like yesterday I just came up with the idea and yet here we are doing the sixth one. Crazy!

If you didn't read number five you can catch up HERE.

My goal for the month was to read more and I think I did pretty well. I sat outside in the sun and read a few times meaning I am a god few chapters in now. However I will say, I haven't read as much as I had hoped. Mainly because I am quite a busy woman these days so I just haven't even thought to pick it up.

However, the few chapters I have read have been very good. I think almost relatable too. Basically it's about a woman who is lonely, doing the same routine every week. And where I am in the book, she has started to take an interest in a man, so she is changing up her weekly routine. I have also learned she has a few issues with family, and not so many friends.

You can tell I haven got that far with it but I do very much plan on finishing it soon.

As for this months goal, I may go back to baking. I tried to do this a few months back but I just didn't feel like it. The only problem is, I'm sort of watching what I am eating so I'm just going to be baking cakes and giving them away. But hey ho, I don't mind too much.

I plan on making a lemon drizzle, which is mine and my mum's favorite. And I'll make my friend Hannah some banana muffins because she always asks for some, bless her. I might even push myself and try a new recipe. I always do the same things and stick with the same recipes. If I am feeling brave, I shall branch out.

I'll be sure to do a post on one of them, if any turn out aesthetically pleasing.

Adios amigos!xo

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