Saturday, 23 August 2014

The Ice Bucket Challenge Craze!

As im sure all of you know, there has been quite a few crazes in the past, say, 6months, e.g. cinnamon challenge,  7 second challenge and the neck nomination etc. Some are more ridiculous than the others. but the #ALSIceBucketChallenge is better than the rest. It actually has a purpose and helps others who suffer from ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) definition '' is a motor neurone disease (MND) with various causes. It is characterised by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, and difficulty in speaking, swallowing and breathing. ALS is the most common of the five MND. ''

Yesterday I watched a video that my friend recommended to me. The video showed a man who had ALS running in the family, his grandmother and mum had it, and he has just been diagnosed in his mid 20's. He already has loss of feeling in his fingertips. He explained that he will soon lose feeling in his arm and then it will spread across his body. 

He also showed his mum on the video, it showed him caring for her, he had to feed her through pipes and had to help her up. She couldn't move her head or any part of her body but her eyes. - that's when I started tearing up. To know that those with the disease can only move their eyes, and cant do the simple tasks that we can do for example, breathing.

I will be taking part in the #ALSIceBucketChallenge.

I will also donate towards the charity, probably not a lot as im only 15, but as much as I can afford.

I am going to be stood up for the challenge and will have several buckets thrown at me from all different angles. Just to ensure that I at least feel some of what they do.

I will write another post about the experience and how much I donated with a picture. so keep an eye out for that, it should be in about two weeks. 

so, Adios Amigo!xo

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

About Me!

Erm yes, hello. 🙈

This is my first blog post. I don't even know what a blog fully is or how to even write one.. So I apologise in advance. I hope to get better though, so hold your horses.

Anyway. I thought I'd start my blog off with telling you a little about myself.

I'm 16, 17 in December. 
I have an older sister, Samantha. You could say we're very close siblings, it got a lot easier to get on with her when she moved out to live with, her fiance, Lee (who is also nice and I'm happy he is now part of the family!). They have a Rottweiler called Conan. He is possibly the cutest rottie ever.

I consider myself to be quite creative. I always have been. As a child I always crafted things when I got the opportunity, I even used scrap pieces of carpet.. Sad I know.
I love art especially. Whether it be painting, drawing or making. I did art as a GCSE in school as I thought, you know, it's appropriate.

I am now at college, woo! I study creative media, which is basically TV, film, radio etc. I don't think I could've chosen a better course to be honest. Everyone is so lovely and easy to get along with and the course itself is really interesting. 

To be perfectly honest, I don't really know what I want to do in life. I'd love to be a YouTuber. Not because people think it's easy, which I know it isn't but because they get to travel the world, they can interact with their audience really well, and to be able to inspire people to be who they are. I'm not the most confident person you'll meet. I think this job would help that improve immensely. I do have a youtube channel but I don't really upload on it to be quite honest. But maybe that is because I just focus on this now instead. I think I would also love to do something with the radio, i have no idea though.

I think I'm going to leave it there, I'm not that interesting and I wouldn't want to bore you. 

So adios amigo!xo

P.s. Here is a picture of my face.☺️