Saturday, 22 August 2015


Hey guys,

I am pre-writing this (Saturday) because tomorrow or (today for you) I am going on holiday with school to France. I'm writing this to say sorry for not posting next week as I will be away. I'm not 100% sure of how many days I'm actually going for or the specific day I will be back. But after next week everything will be back to normal. I also have some nice idea's to do when I get back, so you can look forward to those:). 

I'm extremely nervous for my trip. Being who I am (the weight I am) I am so worried about being in swim suits around the people that I don't really know. They may be judgemental which won't help my self conscious feeling. However hopefully I will be okay. I guess I will let you know when I get back. 

I don't really have a lot to say to be honest. I just wanted to say sorry for no blog post next week and I guess that's all. But yes, be excited for in two weeks time! I love you all!

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Hey guys,

So this week I thought I would go back to the way I used to write these posts. More relaxed and mainly about confidence etc. I may or may not try and use more complex words, but that is because I am trying to up my vocabulary. So I apologies if any words are used wrong!

Anyway onto the subject, spots!

Now, because I am a teenager, I often get spots. And so do many of my friends or ''classmates'' (even though I don't technically go to school any more but hey ho you get it.) We all get them, unless your blessed with flawless skin, in which case well done child. However I don't understand why people use this as an insult. I know any insult is terrible but using this is just disgusting. It works with weight in the same way, puts the person down a hell of a lot. Why? Just why?

Despite of hearing the masses of insults going round when I used to go to school, I was never ashamed I had a spot. Yes I put concealer on some days when they were really red but, I wouldn't hide them massively (partly because I don't have that skill) because they never bothered me.

If you have really bad acne, then you can see your GP and possibly sort it out. But for everyday spots they shouldn't affect us massively. Neither should acne because it's just who you are! I don't understand why they do! I feel like I'm rambling on about the same thing...My bad.

Girls tend to get more spots than boys (I think) because of hormones (you know, at 'lady time') but why does everyone complain when a new spot appears on their face? YOU'RE FLAWLESS WITH OR WITHOUT SPOTS!!! - yes you.

I don't really know what else to say or 'ramble' about. But anyway, don't let spots ruin your confidence. If you feel good with a lot of make-up on, wear it like that. Or vies-versa. It doesn't matter as long as your happy and feel beautiful.

I'm going to finish there because I have over used the word 'spots' and I'm sick of seeing it so you will too I guess.

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 10 August 2015

Quotes Of The Week!

Hey guys,

So I haven't prepare for the post I had in mind last week but I have a new idea!

Today I couldn't stop taking pictures of my pet cat. She's beautiful. Anyway, I wanted to upload at least one photo of her so I downloaded a couple of photo editors and tried one out. Although it wasn't what I wanted, its still good. I thought I would make a couple and share them with you!:)
Obviously they're not going to be the best but hey, I'm sure we will deal with it together:).

I don't really have anything else to say but all of these pictures I took so any feedback would be great!
I hope you feel even a little inspired after seeing them, 

I apologise for a small post this week. enjoy the pictures! Well, here they are!

I love you all.
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 2 August 2015


Hey guys,

So yes, I went swimming FINALLY! I got up at 7 and got ready to go. Despite it being really early and I felt like felt like old times when me and my dad used to do the same when I was small. 

He used to wake me up on a Sunday, at 7, and be at the swimming baths for when they opened. I remember loving the smell of chlorine (I still do) because I knew that i was going swimming with my dad. 
I have so many memories but obviously they would be really boring for you.. So anyway. After an hour or so drifting around the pool, it starts getting busy because then everyone else begins to wake up and bring their kids. That's when we would head up to the cafe. I hate being where a lot of people are, in those kind of situations. You know, when you feel like every single pair of eyes is staring at you and judging your every move... 

But in the cafe, (call me fat..) I used to get a small chocolate muffin and a slush. Which yes, is a weird combination but I loved it. You could hear all the families having fun and it's such a wonderful thing. The cafe didn't used to get busy until after we had left - I imagine it getting busy for lunch. Sure you had the odd few  that joined us but nothing to drastic. 
While my dad finished his cup of tea I always asked for 20p's for the machines that give you little toys or sweets in little balls. You know the ones in talking about. I must have used like £2 once because I just kept asking for 20p's. I loved them. 

Today was pretty much the same, we got up at 7, picked up Lia, (she came for moral support, Thankyou) then headed to swim. When I was young I didn't used to do much swimming but today I surprised myself and actually swam. (Because o haven't swam in YEARS, I still need to get the hang of it back). After we swam we went to the cafe and had my usual... Of course, I had to have what I used to have. Then I got out a pound from my purse, yes.. A POUND now(!) and got a little minion keyring. THIS MORNING WAS AMAZING.

However I'm not too sure whether swimming is my thing but, I think I just need to get confident at it again. So maybe..maybe not. Even if it's not, I got to relive some of the best memories of my life and I don't think I'll ever forget my our bonding time. 

Unfortunately I didn't take any photos to add to my blog post but hopefully next weeks post will have some. Fingers crossed. 

That's it! Love you all.

Adios amigos!xo