Monday, 30 November 2015

The Power of Makeup!

Hey guys,

Firstly as you can tell, my blog looks really different than it did before. Thanks to Tom who helped me give my blog a makeover! I love it. I personally think it looks a lot more professional than the pink design I had previously. Just thought I'd mention it. Anyway..

I'm not going to lie to you all, but I have been planning to do this post for a while ever since Tom gave me the idea but never got round to doing it. And finally, here it is! The power of Make-up.

I don't really know what to say with this to be quite honest. I chose to do this post because I feel comfortable with the way my face is. I hope someday all of you out there will be too. I am really happy that I can walk out the house without having to wake up early just to do my makeup in order to feel good about myself. I know that a lot of people struggle with this because of insecurities and we all have them. But to be honest, the society we live in today is what makes us so self-conscious. People (not everyone) can be really judgemental and not hesitate to say what they are thinking, and I think that is a big problem.. That, and the fact that people have high expectations/aspirations.
I mean, I understand why people feel like they have to change to fit in and to be accepted, but still, you should be able to be yourself with out hiding what you look like.
Here is a picture of my face, half with makeup and half without. I don't really wear much in my day to day life anyway but for the purpose of this post I used what I would if I went out. 

I cannot give advice to save my life but you should just think ' WHO THE BLOODY HELL CARES'. this way you may feel slightly better. I don't know, I'm trying my hardest with advice but not succeeding, apologies. Any way, If any of you also have a blog, please also take a photo, like I have and write a post. Feel free to leave a link in the comments if any of you actually end up doing it!

I will leave it there, I'm sorry this ended up being late even though I started it early.. I was in a rubbish mood and the post wouldn't have been as good as I want it to be.
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Hunger Games Mocking Jay part Two review!

Hey guys,

This isn't going to be a really good review as I like to keep things quite chilled on here but if you would like a more put together one in future let me know, and maybe also suggest some films for me to review! BEWARE - There may be spoilers in this so be prepared or don't read any further! So recently the 'Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part Two' was released and obviously I went to go see it! I saw it with my sister and it was so nice for us to go as we don't really get chance to do 'sisterly things' anymore. I really had a nice time!

Firstly, I think Jennifer Lawrence played Katniss really well - as always! She fits the character so perfectly and personally I think you can see this through out the franchise. All of the actors play the characters well but Jennifer is one of my favourites. 

One thing I really like about peeta in this film is that we see his character in a deeper way than we do in any other. Because at the end of part one, he was a weapon against Katniss.. We see how that has an effect on him. I think this part of the story line was quite interesting. Different in a way. 

I think because of the several plot twists featured it kept the storyline interesting, although some of them are quite predictable. Which you may understand if you have seen it also. However there were some parts of the film that I personally didn't think they needed to include. It made the film drag more. I don't think it helps that though when they split the last film up into two. Stop doing it Hollywood! 

There was a scene when we see primroses cat again, and I cried. Like full on tears. I have no idea why but I was very emotional at this point. Maybe the storyline.. Maybe because I love cats... We will never know. All I know is that this made me very happy because we see the cat in all of the films (I think anyway). I just loved this part of the film. 

To keep this as minimal as I can, onto my opinion of the end. I think it was a good ending but boring... It was your typical happy ending and I think because it's a franchise, I found it boring. I personally think my favourite ending from them all is mocking jay part one. As it is unexpected and a cliff hanger. We all want to know what is wrong with Peeta and if he will be okay. Especially if you're routing for him to be the one who gets chosen by Katniss. Yes the ending was cute and all but I wasn't that satisfied.  
In part one of Mocking Jay, some of the special effects looked unreal but in this one I think they did such a better job. Especially considering all of the action that happens during the film. 

Also in this film Katniss ends up choosing who she loves, Peeta or Gale. And I'm not giving it away but personally I had no idea who she was going to chose. I don't think I had actually thought it through. Obviously they both have reasons as to why they should be chosen but I just had a feeling she was going to pick the opposite. I have no idea why. I just did. I think it would've been a great idea if it ended her undecided or maybe with none of them just to keep us guessing or for something we don't normally get. Normally, if there is a love triangle, one is picked and it would be cool if we get a film where they don't pick any. 

Overall I did really enjoy the film! I loved the storyline and all the actors/actresses work. I do recommend. 

I wish I could've gone into more detail but I didnt want to give too much away! And I asked on twitter whether you wanted this blog post or if you wanted something Christmassy. Apparently this is what you wanted! So anyway, I do recommend the film if you are a hunger games fan, or any one who is interested (obviously it would make more sense if you watched them all though!). That's all for this post.

Adios amigos!xo 

Ps. Sorry this isn't the best photo but it's the only one I took!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

First impressions of I'm a celebrity!

Hey guys,

This is a weird post but I had no idea what to write about and I'm currently watching 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here'. So I though I would write my first impressions of the 'celebrities' that have gone into the jungle.

For anyone who doesn't know the show, they ask some celebrities to go into an Australian jungle to camp for a couple of weeks where they have to do trials. These can include anything from spiders, to cockroaches to snakes.
They normally start in two teams and as they get eliminated out they join as one.
I definitely recommend the show! - it includes ant and Dec as hosts so its worth watching.

The only celebrity I know this year is George Shelley. He is from the band 'Union J' already like him so i guess I'm routing for him to win so far.

Jorgie porter, I have a negative impression of her. Personally I've never seen her before but she is quite annoying to me. She may surprise me and do well in challenges but I doubt it. For a start she wore a full face of makeup into the jungle... 

Tony Hadley, seems really nice and I honk he will do really well at trials. He seems like someone who isn't scared of much and will just get on with it. However I think maybe he will try and be the overall leader when both teams come together and they may retaliate. 

Yvette fielding seems lovely. I also want her to win. She is probably scared of a lot of bugs like the rest of them but she is hilarious anyway so I like her. 

Lady Colin Campbell is really posh and honestly thought she was going to be annoying but the more I saw her I actually liked her. I did laugh when Ant and Dec took the mock about the cookies but I think she is also lovely. I do however think she will be the one to May or may not argue with tony. I think she would be a good leader and may clash with him.

Susanna Constantine seemed really quiet  and relaxed when I first saw her but when she jumped out of the plane I knew I liked her. She concoured her biggest fear in the first half of the first episode. Well done to her! I personally think she did really well in that challenge. 

I didn't really get an impression from anyone else so that's all I have I'm afraid. I'm sorry if these are offensive to anyone because of their beliefs or impressions these are just my personal opinions and thought I'd share them. I guess I'll find out soon if my feelings are right or even if they change! 

Adios amigos!xo

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Cute little walk!

Hey guys,

So the other week (quite a while ago actually), me and Lia went on a little trip into some local woods to take some photos of everything autumnal. 

She messaged me saying she had a surprise and she revealed that it was a trip up into the woods with some bubbles. She knows me so well! I love Autumn, bubbles and taking photos of things (And I guess because she was there it made it better;)). 

I keep saying we went into the woods however Lia was certain she saw two people come out of the ground so we didn't go any further in! I still enjoyed it though. 

It was nice to see her again, because of sixth form we haven't really seen each other that much but it was so nice to see her! 

The photos I took weren't great but I'm going to post them anyway because why not. If Lia sends me some of her photos I will add them in but for now here are my favourite photos! 

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 2 November 2015


Hey guys,

So, it is now November who would've thought? Well probably every single one of you because you know, it is in fact November. But anyway hasn't the time passed so quickly?! I swear it was a week ago I left school, apparently its been a lot longer!

anyway this post is about the glorious Halloween. Oh how i love this holiday.

Firstly I went around to my sister's house to carve pumpkins with her and Lee (her fiancĂ©). And it was very fun and I always enjoy it. I was quite proud of my pumpkin and thought it was cute! Also Samantha's was really cute, she did a wolf and a moon, however lee's was interesting... He started off doing sonic the hedgehog but then unfortunately cut off his nose! Then he tried another pumpkin but also killed that one. And it was hilarious! I really loved it. 

Then I came home and I was extremely tired because I had only four/five hours maximum, however Becky was soon coming up. I tried to have a nap as I knew I would be up most of the night but as soon as I laid down she came. I still had a nap though haha! 
Meanwhile Tom also arrived and I was already in a deep sleep so they decorated the house with Halloween things ready for the party.

We all got dressed up, even my mum and dad! And it was great. 

One reason I love Halloween for is because you can dress up and be someone completely different. Which I love. This year I even tried false eyelashes for the first time, I didn't think I would get on with them but I wanted to try them because my eyelashes are really short when they don't have mascara on or anything. So I did and I actually loved them. I felt really good despite having that little difference. 

Honestly it was the best time and I wish I could do it all over again. Everyone was happy for what I saw and it was just so fun! I still haven't got over it! Anyway here are some crappy quality photos from that night, mainly for me to look back on but I guess you sneaky ones can be nosey.

(Ps, I was little red riding hood, in case it isn't clear.)

I love you all!
Adios amigos!xo