Sunday, 31 January 2016

42 Things I Want to Do Before I Die!

Hey guys,

So, just so I know for sure you know. We are all slowly dying. I know, its quite morbid to think about but its reality, we're not going to live for eternity. Well, unless all of those fictional vampire shows prove to not actually be fictional, but doubtful.

Anyway, a bucket list is basically a list of goals and achievements you wish to achieve in your lifetime (or I guess, before you kick the bucket).

I regularly think of things that I want to achieve and maybe if I share some of these that maybe you could create yourself one of these. Some of these are maybe unrealistic because, well, lets face it ill just grow up and get a job in this town and never get to leave. Anyway, here are 42 of the things I would love to do in my lifetime.

1. TRAVEL. This could be with my best friend, partner, family or even by myself. As long I get to see what the world has to offer.

2. Go in a hot air balloon. I just think this would be fun.

3. Go to a midnight movie premier. This would have to be when I can actually stay awake until something stupid like two in the morning though!

4. Go on a cruise. Because why not?

5. Write my very own book. This would be amazing.

6. Dance in ridiculous weather conditions, like rain or even snow.

7. Save a life. I may not get a chance to do this but there are things that you can do that will help someone stay alive.

8. (for example) Give blood. I always said that I didn't want to do this but I will. Without the help of someone else' donations, my mum could've died when I was born so I owe it to someone.

9. Have a random food fight.

10. Go camping. Despite all the bugs, I think this would be fun. Some time without technology or internet sounds great!

11. Go on a road trip with someone without a destination. Just see where the road takes us.

12. Rent a beach house through the summer. This would be a dream.

13. Attend the floating lantern ceremony that takes place in Hawaii.

14. Slide down a bowling alley. Although this could be dangerous so maybe not.

15. Go zip lining. It would be like flying!

16. Play hide and seek in a shopping centre or in IKEA.

17. Try every flavour of Pringles. I bet this could make it onto anyone's list..

18. Carve my name into a tree.

19. Travel first class.

20. Have my own clothing line. Again, I may not get the chance, but still hoping!

21. Fall asleep on a trampoline. (With lots of blankets of course!)

22. Ride a jet ski.

23. Dye my hair a really random colour, like pink or blue and not tell anyone. Sorry mum.

24. Ride in a helicopter.

25. Have a walk in closet. Yes please!

26. Rope swing into water. Just like in films, this would extremely fun.

27. Visit the walk of fame.

28. Skydive for charity. (I actually want to do this in a couple of years!)

29. Go paragliding.

30. See the northern lights. (These seem like a myth and I would love to be proven wrong.)

31. Swim with dolphins.

32. Go skiing/snowboarding. Even though I would probably fall a lot!

33. Help (or even start) a charity.

34. Hold a koala. (THEY ARE SO ADORBALE)

35. Ride a horse through a field or on the beach - not fussy at all.

36. Make my own film.

37. Ride a motorbike.

38. Interview a celebrity. (Probably wont even happen but who knows, it would be lovely.)

39. Have my own radio show. This probably wouldn't end well because I'm not good at talking...

40. Go to a care home and talk to some of the lonely people. May even make a friend there.

41. Buy some homeless people a full meal.

42. Design my own homeware range. Again - probably wont even have a chance.

These are just some off my personal bucket list but feel free to also write one and share it! I think these are really nice to think about and can get you motivated to make the most out of your life. Which I guess is always a plus. I realise now that this isn't that detailed but I hope that it inspires you, even if its just a little bit, to make the most of everything. We don't want to waste our only chance now do we? (Also sorry that there isn't a picture, there isn't really anything I could include as I haven't done these yet haha!)

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Joey Graceffa's 'In Real Life' book review!

Hey guys,

So, this weeks post is a book review. Who would've thought? If you know me, you know I never really read books until now. Honestly I don't know what made me want to read. The last time I started reading something was while I was on my water sports trip with my old school, so around august time. I started reading 'Am I normal yet?' but I just never finished. After reading a few books such as Joey's I am now back to reading that.

Anyway, now I like to go to bed around 9 or 10 and read a few chapters until I am tired enough to sleep. I also used to include writing in my diary as part of this routine however, they are not as easy to keep going as the media make it out to be. I lasted until last week, since then its gone downhill.

This post is going to be me giving you a little review on Joey Graceffa's book. Which if you didn't know, is a YouTuber. He uploads practically every single day. he makes videos such as Vlogs (video blogs), challenges, and tags. if you have no idea who I am talking about, feel free to click HERE and go to his channel.

I got his book 'In Real Life' for Christmas last year so I made it my mission to read it. I actually managed to finish it in about four days. FOUR DAYS. That's a record for me and you should be proud. I was honestly so proud of myself when I finished. And thanks to this I have been reading every night since. And I am so happy, I find myself using more words in my day to day life, so if you are like my old self, I suggest you start reading. I promise you wont regret it.

I seem to have rambled about nothing but anyway onto this mini review.
So I don't actually know how to do this efficiently but oh well.

So the first thing that I would like to mention is actually quite weird but it is the colour of the pages. They're white which I find nice to read. I personally think I prefer white pages to the creamy ones. I just find it easier to read. Also the font in the book is easy to read, it's nice and clear. unlike some other books.

I also like how e has included a few pages of photos from his life. I think it helps you understand his stories more, I don't know how to explain it. - This is going great... But yes I love how it gives you a few pictures instead of being fully all writing. But, it isn't childish.

The book explores all of his childhood problems up to his life now. And it is the only book that has ever made me cry. And honestly I knew that films could do that but I never believed that a book could do that. Until I read his book. He goes into detail about his mum and everything that happened when he was little and it really pulls on your heart strings.

He also goes into detail about how he had to come to terms with who he was. And that part also hurts a little, because no one should hide from who they are. It makes me very sad that people cant embrace who they are from day one because some people put them down.

I think I may have chosen a bad book to do a review of because there isn't much I can say. To be honest I don't know how people do a proper book review! But I promise to get better so I can do more on other books. I bought another two yesterday so who knows when the next will be. Because this book is an autobiography its quite hard to say what it's about but yes, I just suggest you give it a read.
It changed the way I look at things, and I'm pretty sure it will for you too! I thoroughly enjoyed the whole book.

I think I will leave it at that but feel free to leave me some book suggestions below. And if you don't particularly read, I suggest that maybe think about it.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Hey guys,

So todays post is going to be like the old posts I used to do, just me talking about what I'm feeling etc. Goodie for you guys. Anyway this week, I'm going to talk about pressure, and I know I've already spoke about this before (quite a while ago now) but I promise it will be different.

So lately at college, we have been editing our projects together. Having to meet a deadline that seems to approach quicker than anything. Which yes, includes a lot of pressure. However this isn't what I am talking about.

So even though these deadlines are approaching, so is the end of the year (for college, Obviously). I got a reminder that the course was coming to an end and honestly, I panicked inside.

Firstly, I love my course, people, tutor and what we learn. So to be half way through the year upsets me.

But most of all, I have no idea as to what I am going to do when I finish. Do I get a job that I probably wont even like? Do the level up on the course I am doing? Do another course? I don't know.

I want to really experience college, so I wouldn't actually mind doing another year. But at the same time I would probably want to do a course which is 2 years. And I don't know if I want to wait that long before I leave.

I feel we all get pressured to know what we want to achieve. I know a few people who have their lives set out and cant wait for what is in store for them. And I do envy them. I would love to know what I am good at and what job would help me embrace the 'talent'.

However, I don't feel as though I have anything. I don't have something I am passionate about (except this blog of course). This scares the crap out of me. Some girls my age love kids and want to do childcare, some love fashion or beauty, some love music and everything else that's out there.
Me? Not much. I have no idea what the heck I am doing or what suits me.

Some days I will do something say, like pose into the kitchen because I love my outfit. And I will say 'Oh I should be a model' - obviously joking.. Sometimes it will be a news reader or something bizarre. But I never really mean what I say.

I personally take everyday as it comes because that's what I think you should do. You cant really predict what is going to we all know. However now, I'm starting to think that is a bad way to live because I have no idea what to do.

I am just rambling now I guess, but this is something that I have been wanting to write about all week so here it is! If any of you feel the same please let me know. I feel like the only one who doesn't know what she wants to achieve.

I guess that's all for this post, maybe next week I will do a similar one or it might be a book review which is exciting!

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 10 January 2016

My 2015 Jar!

Hey guys,

So, I know this is sort of late in a way. I wanted to upload this on new years day because it would fit better, but (I don't know if everyone is the same) we have a dinner like Christmas day so my house was pretty human filled with family - because after all, it would be very weird to have strangers for a meal.

Anyway, this post is about my '2015 Happy Jar'. If you haven't tried this I suggest you do! Basically it is where you have a big jar and every time something good/fun/or even something that just made your day happens you write it on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. And believe it or not I actually managed to do it!

So I may not share some of them or keep some details out because, you know, personal things and all. These are going to be in random dates because I'm just going to write about them as I pick them out, just thought I'd mention.

Sunday 18th January
My close friends, Lia and Lizzie, came round.  - I cant actually remember what we did but obviously it was a good day! I miss them two!

Thursday 26th November
School presentation evening. I didn't receive an award other than my GCSE's, but I thought I looked really good (lots of selfies to prove).

Tuesday 27th October
Lia and I went up into our local woods with some bubbles so we could take lots of cool photos. I wrote about this in another blog post. (Here)

Wednesday 1st April
Saw Olly Murs live with Lia and Lizzie!! One of the best days of my life. Nothing more to be said.

Thursday 24th December
Decorated my first gingerbread house. I have always wanted to do this but I never got one, but my mum surprised me with one this year, thank you mum.

Saturday 31st December (AKA my birthday!)
Had a really good day. Lia gave me the best birthday present you could probably ever receive - A scrapbook full of amazing memories, thank you Lia.

 Thursday 25th June
PROM! I had an amazing time and ever single person looked stunning. Although I do slightly wish I chose a different dress. Still, had a lovely time. Also another post about this here.

Saturday 21st November
Mollie, My mum and I went on a Christmas carousel together. It was really fun, even though me and my mum felt a bit odd.

Thursday 31st December
My mum hadn't had a fag for 78 days. I am very proud of her even though it was her fault in the first place. Still, well done mum!

Sunday 6th December
I had a really bad long day. However Tom surprised me on the bus to come back to mine because he knew I had a bad day - I even got some Haribo's! I really needed it so thank you tom.

24th - 31st of August (Monday - Monday)
Travelled to France for a water sports trip with school. I didn't think I would do a lot but I surprised myself and I loved every minute of it! (here.)

Thursday 4th June
Officially Left school. YES THEN.

Tuesday 1st December
I got 80 views on my 'Power of make-up' post. Thank you so much! If you haven't read it, read it here.

Wednesday 1st April
This was the day I got accepted into college doing Creative Media. I love my course and classmates! I have done a lot of posts about college so it must be good!

Tuesday 22nd December
My dad surprised me with a real Christmas tree! I have always wanted one but they can be quite pricey. But my dad past a place where they were selling them off so he brought one home. Thank you dad.

Monday 7th December
This is the day I looked in the mirror and accepted myself. I don't mind the way I am anymore, Obviously I wouldn't mind changing and being healthier but oh well!

Saturday 31st October
I had a lot of fun on this day, Becky organised for a mini party at mine and it was nice to see the people I didn't really see much of now. Plus, we all had a lot of fun! I could do it all over again. Thank you to those that came, and Becky for organising it. Also another post about this here.

Friday 25th December
CHRISTMAS. I loved Christmas, Samantha and Lee came round for the dinner and it was nice to be a family all together. I am also very thankful for all the presents that I got spoilt with.

Friday 6th February
When I started seeing Tom, aww.

Thursday 26th November
I had a 1-1 with my tutor and she said all positive things about me and I was really proud of myself. Obviously she mentioned how I need to speak up more but I've had that all through my life.

Friday 29th May
This is the day I got my IPhone 6. I never really had a decent phone so I was really happy when I got this. I also, may or may not have called her penny.

Thursday 5th November
Bonfire night. I saw Lucy Spraggan live which I am so happy about. I love her music and honestly probably 'fan-girled' a lot that night. Plus, I also got some nice photos of the fireworks.

Saturday 24h October
Went to Pizza Hut with Becky. It was the second time going but the first time I went with my sister. I was little and didn't like pizza so I just ate lots of ice-cream. But now I love pizza it was nice to go, it was a lovely day.

(The following ones don't have dates but I wanted to still include them)

I know this is odd but at some point last year my mum started doing this really nice chicken and I think it is my favourite meal. It's just so nice!

I had a lovely day with a girl my sister was fostering.

We had some snow and that is enough to make me happy!

I had my room re-done ready for when I got back from my water sports trip and I love the way it turned out!

When I was still at school, we went to college to practise interviews. And personally I think I did really well. I was really pleased with myself even though it wasn't real.

One day, Literally one day, I woke up early and went out for a jog. Weird I know. But I did feel refreshed afterwards.

I cant remember whether this was for mocks or exams but for the English reading paper I got a B and was 1 mark off an A. Again, really proud of myself for that so it had to go in my jar.

Last but not least, I signed myself up for a public speaking competition. Mainly because I don't talk much and I wanted to change that. However I pulled out but hey, I almost went through with it! baby steps...

That's everything that I wrote in the jar. I do advise you to do this and then on new years day, empty them all out and read them all. It's very easy to forget the good that has happened in a year (as I'm sure  missed a lot!) but we should remind ourselves! It isn't too late to start now! Go on, I know you're thinking about it.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 3 January 2016

My Birthday & The New Year!

Hey guys,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Long time no speak huh?

So you may have noticed that I didn't post last Sunday but that was sort of a day off for me. Besides I did post a few posts for blogmas so I thought I deserved it. I guess if any of you feel like you deserve time to yourself or  break, do it. Obviously I'm not suggesting you just don't turn up to work or education etc. but say you have lots of essays or exams, make sure you give yourself time because at the end of the day you still have to live.

Anyway, on the 31st of December it was my 17th birthday. To be honest, I wasn't that excited as the only reason to get to 17 is so you can get to 18. Although technically I can learn to drive now which is really exciting. I know some people actually dread this part but I can't wait, I just hope I'm a confident driver.

On my birthday I didn't actually do much because I  couldn't decide - I'm crap at making decisions...
In the end we all ended up at Frankie and Benny's. Which was nice, despite my mum being a pain because she's a fussy eater! But she had a good laugh with the waiter so what else can I say. It was also lovely to see Lia. She gave me one of the best gifts I've probably ever received. It was a scrapbook full of memories and funny pictures of myself. You could tell a lot of thought and effort went into the gift and I'm ever so grateful, so thank you Lia. Overall, I just had a really lovely day.

Well, that seemed like that took forever to write. I apologise if I bored you. Anyway obviously after my birthday it was the 1st of January 2016. Which means, the new year. Woo. Last year was a bit crap so I was happy to greet the new year. Now, I'm not normally one of those 'New year, new me' people, and still, I'm not. However there are a few things I would like to tweak about me and my life which I will list below. Yes, I am happy with myself but there is always room for improvement. (I will probably forget about these in a week but oh well).

1. Get out more! - I love my own company and staying in my room. But even though I'm happy in the moment, I'm wasting my life away and that's what I'm not happy with. So from now on, I will go out more, more walks to appreciate the little things the world has to offer. This one is a must.

2. Maybe eat better/exercise. - I definitely want to start eating better just to be healthier again. I would love to lose a little weight but I have accepted myself and its not so much an issue anymore. But I would love to be fit and healthy.

3. Get a bloody job. - I am half way through writing my CV so I can hand it into places so I can hopefully get a job.

I think that's everything to be quite honest. But if there are anymore then I will add them at a later date. Below are some pictures from my birthday, these are mainly for my sake but sure, you can see them too!

Adios amigos!xo