Hey guys,
A few years ago, I think maybe two years or so, I did a post about having Psoriasis. I will link it
HERE. Basically I wrote everything down that you'd need to know if you have no idea what it is.
Recently I thought I'd do a little update just so if I look back I have an idea on what it was like, you know to keep track and all the stuff I should probably do.
So, when I last wrote about it, my psoriasis was on my scalp, elbows, my ears, one of my knees and started developing on my shoulder. The worst part was my scalp. it was covering the majority of my head but there was still a lots of space for it to go. Now my head is completely covered. the bottom of my head is worse, the rest is sort of what its like when its starts out - just slightly dry. It has also slightly come out of my hairline, near my neck on both sides and also behind my left ear.
My elbows are now more obviously covered than what they were. Its obvious that I have a skin condition if I don't have a long sleeved top on. My left elbow seems to be focused just in a big patch just after the elbow on my forearm whereas on my right arm, its much more in little spots that are starting to come towards my wrists - its about half way there. This seems much more sore constantly than anywhere else, I don't know why but it is. Its at the point where wearing long sleeved tops can be painful to wear - which sucks.
I don't actually remember it being in my ears so whether it was just starting I'm not sure but it is definitely there now. It's not terrible but its there. this is what has also been progressing in the last year or so. It started by my ears just being itchy and then sore. Now there is the extra skin.
My knees can't seem to make up their mind, it comes and it goes on my knees. It's pretty much the same amount as in my ears so its pretty chill, but it can be sore. Obviously. But it did used to appear on just one knee and now it's both.
I did get a little patch on my shoulder that did begin growing but when I went on my water sports trip with my old school, I was in the sun A LOT. And by the time I got home it was gone. They do say that sun can help and some doctors will suggest a sunbed if its really bad - or so I've heard. But it has completely gone on my shoulder, it hasn't come back and there is still no sign of it so that's good news.
I think that's all of it covered. If you're still confused and didn't read my old post, basically it's extra skin. It's normally either assumed to be or compared to Eczema. The difference is, Eczema is dry skin, Psoriasis is extra skin. I hope this helps because I know most people know of Eczema.
Something I want to discuss is that I was recently on the discover page of Instagram and I saw someone post a picture of their Psoriasis helping to help empower us who have it and reassuring us that its not something to be ashamed of. Now I haven't ever seen an Instagram post like that before. I follow lots of body positive accounts but I haven't come across one who talks about skin conditions before. But to be fair I haven't searched for one. This person also included a hashtag (#Psoriasis) so I clicked onto it, expecting a lot of people who have the same condition being empowering and being happy to show people it's not a gross thing. But I was only met with people recommending creams and oils and such like. Now as nice as it is to see people giving suggestions to help keep the condition bearable, but I was shocked. No one was showing it with a message like 'this is me, this is my condition and its okay' sort of thing. It makes me sad.
I'm not going to apologise for or hide my skin so people wont get offended. I'm not going to pretend it's not there, mainly because you can't but why should I?
I'm definitely more comfortable with it now than I was when I wrote the last post. Which I am proud of myself for.
Now I know this post was mainly for me to look back on but I hoped it helped some of you. Whether you have it too, or whether you had no idea it existed.
Adios amigos!xo