I thought I would write about bullying as yesterday I watched some YouTube videos and they really got to me. I think your all probably aware of Amanda Todd. for those who aren't, she was a teenage girl who attended school like any other normal 15 year old, but after an incident online with a man, she got bullied to the point where she decided to take her life because she thought that was the only way out of the torture. I don't know about you, but to me, that is just disgusting. To know that people do this to teenagers who are capable of a great and successful life but then, they wouldn't know that would they?
luckily, I'm blessed enough to have never been bullied - so far. Obviously I've had comments said to me, mainly because I'm bigger but I wouldn't call that bullying. They're just horrible People who like to put other people down. It's quite sad really. its just really bad that other innocent people have to go through some of the horrible things bullying does to you. I know it causes depression, and to be a teenager and to need anti depressants or counselling shouldn't even be such a thing! it honestly sickens me. Why do horrible people have the urge to take their anger or envy out on someone else.
If your recieving negative comments or being bullied please tell someone. Even though that is the only thing people get told, do it. It could save your life! don't be worried about what they'll do when they find out you've 'snitched' on them, you haven't snitched, you've done the responsible thing and sort it. Feel free to ask me for advice or if you have any questions just ask me. I like to be the person who helps others, wether it be advise, or just a friend I don't mind.
I hope you all have had a lovely day!
This is a picture of me in a dress for my nanna's birthday, I don't normally take full body pictures as I'm bigger and hate my stomach. I'm also worried about the comments I get from those horrible people, but I've learnt to just ignore them. The best revenge is happiness, so use it! I hope it inspires you to not be afraid of getting comments. (If you do, block them, delete them you don't have to put up with it!)
Love you all,
Adios Amigo!xo