Sunday, 25 October 2015

Upset? & Halloween!

Hey guys,

So I don't really know what I am going to write about yet, I guess I never do! However I'm just going with the flow..
Sorry in advance!

So college is getting easier. when I first started, I was piled and piled with homework but now I'm finding it a lot easier. You could say I have finally adjusted. I love college. We're all a little family now and I think we are all opening up more to one another. Well. Not really me because I'm the quiet one, and no matter how much I hate it, I probably always will be. Anyway...

In one of my previous blogs I talked about appreciating the little things. Today I went out with my mum (after napping all morning) and on the way home I looked at all the trees. They were all different colours, different shades. All so beautiful. I could literally go on about Autumn being the best ever season, but I have a feeling I did that last week. 

I also have been feeling very down because it's all of a sudden really hit me. My momma is on her way out, not physically but mentally. Obviously I already knew this, but you never realise how much it's going to hurt until it's hits you. And it did. She's going to leave me. I'm going to be a hole in her memory forever until she eventually goes. That's hard to get to grips with as I'm sure people who witness Alzheimer's also understand. But I am making a packed to myself. I'm going to write her a story/poem/letter, something that will hopefully remind her who I am. Even though I'm not a writer and quite frankly can't really write blog posts. Once I have write that I am going to go give t to her and have a nice long chat with her. As Lia reminded me that once they're gone, they're gone. I can't waste my time with her. I am also going to make her a little book of photos, call it a scrap book if you will. And I will see if she wants to look through it every now and then with me. 
Just to make memories and remind her of the ones we already have. 

Anyway, I will probably post earlier next week, the Saturday maybe. It will be my outfit for Halloween which I am super pumped about! I just need to buy some finishing touches and I'm read yo r Halloween:)! 

Anyway that's all for this post. I'm sorry it's short and sweet but what can you do. I love you all! 

Adios amigos!xo 

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