Thursday, 24 December 2015

12 things to do on Christmas Eve! - Day 12: 12 Days of Katie!

Hey guys,

So...It's the final day of Blogmas. I have actually really enjoyed writing these festive posts (and being some-what organised). Maybe suggest a month where I should post everyday. October? I don't know. I hope you have all enjoyed these posts. I have tried my best, I mean, some could've been better or more interesting but I like the ones I have written.
Anyway onto the actual post!

1. So the first thing you could do on Christmas Eve is, to go out and buy a board game or something like that ready for tomorrow. Normally in my home we like to play a game after we have eaten our family Christmas meal. And if you are the same then why not go out and buy a new one?

2. Go to Starbucks! Get one of the festive drinks and get it to take out so you get a red cup. Guaranteed festivity. You'll love it!

3. Last Minute shopping. I know that some of you will have gone out this morning to get your last minute shopping done. There's always someone. In fact, My dad went into town this morning to get some presents. Typical. Maybe you realise that you haven't spoilt someone as much as you would like so you decide to get them one last present which I think I may have to.

4. Do a good deed! There may be someone who lives close to you that is spending Christmas on their own so you could buy them a little gift maybe some flowers or something little. You could also just do this for a neighbour or anyone you like. And if you don't really have any money left from all of the gift-buying, you can always just write them a nice letter saying you wish them a merry Christmas etc. You could even include a photo of yourself so they know who to thank. It wont go unnoticed and I'm sure they will highly appreciate it.

5. See a friend! Or relative because why not. They say Christmas is a time for family and friends. So why not go and see them. Obviously some people are busy but just to say Hi might not be so bad.

6. Deliver some presents! I know that my mum always buys presents for a lot of the family, and their kids. So on Christmas Eve we have to go and deliver all of their presents. So if you have bought for people but have not yet delivered, it is your last day to do so.

7. Christmas film marathon! Doesn't that sound like the bes idea...ever? Yes. get some popcorn and sweets, your family and all sit and watch festive movies. You could also watch them by yourself but where's the spirit in that?

8. Write a letter to Santa! Personally I don't have a younger sibling otherwise I would do this with them. So if you do have one then why not sit with them and write a letter to Santa with their wishlist.

9. Play in the snow! Where I live there is no snow, unfortunately. I would love nothing more than a White Christmas. However depending on where you live you might have snow, so if you do, please make sure you at least make a snowman!

10. Take festive photos! This would probably be best tomorrow as it will actually be Christmas day however you could still do this today. Whether you are wearing Christmas jumpers or PJ's, it will certainly be one to keep. I think every year at Christmas I want a photo of the family. And I may even get a photo album and print them out. Just to keep.

11. Have a party for one! Or more, because again, why not. But for me I will probably be in my bedroom with my Christmas music playing really loud. Dancing around like an idiot, on my own. However if you actually have people who you know are not busy you could always have an actual party.

12. Celebrate your sister's birthday! Obviously this doesn't count for a lot of you but there may be one of you that has a relative or even yourself with a birthday on Christmas Eve! By the time this is posted, We will have all gone round to my sisters to wish her happy birthday and have lunch. I also get to see Conan (their dog) so that makes it even better! If you are reading this Samantha I hope you have had a really good day and got spoilt by everyone because you deserve it. (I know I probably did best!;)

So that's all for this post and for Blogmas! However I will still be posting on Sunday's just like usual. I may not upload this week but then again I may. So you may be lucky, who knows!? I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Merry Christmas.
Adios amigos!xo

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