Saturday, 30 July 2016

Summer Styles: Beauties on Fire!

Hey guys,

So first of all, I know this is two days late. And basically, I just wasn't having the best few days and I definitely wasn't in a good frame of mind. I would hate to have that affect my posts. I thought I would leave it until today, although I am still a bit down - hence why this is going up late. However, I have been to see Finding Dory with my best friend and her boyfriend which was so nice. That helped my mood a hell of a lot so thank you guys!

This weeks theme is 'Summer Styles' as you can tell by the title. I did my makeup for the cinema so that I could take some photos when I got home and do my post with that look. (Fun fact, I did blue eyeshadow to match Dory haha!) Obviously, that plan didn't work out, so instead I am just going to give you some encouragement.

Encouragement for what? - you say? Well...

I know a fair few people who hate their body. Who don't like to show their arms, legs... stomach etc. And I can relate. But now, I don't feel like that as much. Well not in this summer heat anyway. There have been times where I don't leave my house with my arms uncovered or I will normally only wear skirts or dresses with tights. But recently I have adapted. I will wear what I need to wear in this heat, without wanting acceptance from anyone else. I don't want you guys to feel you cant wear what you want - especially in this heat - without feeling judged. Sure I wont wear a crop top because I don't feel I have the body but if you are confident enough, you could.

You shouldn't feel ashamed to be yourself. Show your arms, legs or whatever - I mean don't get too carried away but you understand I'm sure.

As for a summer look I just add more colour to my makeup look. For instance, I'd add little white dots of liquid liner to my eyes or use a bold colour on the lips/eyes. This is when I actually wear makeup in the summer as it just never wants to stay on my face. Personally I normally skip makeup on really hot days and I like to go natural but if you don't just add that colour to your look.

I hope this post helps in some way, whether you wear what the hell you want or just add colour to your summer make up. Maybe even just entertain you, either way I hope you all are enjoying these posts from the collab. Hopefully I will be more on schedule next week!

Also please check out Elisabeth's post HERE, and you will also see all the other ladies' posts! spread that love!

Adios amigos!xo

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  1. That's beautiful girl!!!! Thank you for that post

  2. I agree about having to wear whatever you just feel like wearing no matter the weather. I still wear a massive amount of black in summer! xo

  3. Beautiful sentiment, I hope that whatever were getting you down has gotten better and that you're now feeling yourself. I'm a little late with this as I'm only just getting around to reading the post, but if you ever want someone to chat to, I'm sure I'm speaking on behalf of all of us when I say that us #BeautiesOnFire girls have your back! xx

    1. Thank you so much! I am feeling a lot better thank you! And you are so nice! I am here for you too! <3 xx
