Monday, 29 August 2016

Too much stress!

Hey guys,

This is going to be a nice, chilled post this week. Just because I am so sick of being stressed.

This past week, I have had something to do pretty much everyday.

On Tuesday I had my car theory test (which I passed, you'll be happy to know.) This itself didn't stress me out as I felt prepared, but it definitely added to the stress.

Then the rest of week I just had little things like going into town, (twice I might add), A day at college for enrolment. I know I'm making this out to be a great week, and it has been (except for college) but it has really got me down lately.

I don't even know why I am going into the details but why not. Basically, all week I was dreading the day at college. I am starting Art and design this year, I don't know why but I didn't know what else to do. This day we were enrolling onto the course and I was so nervous to meet the tutors, other students, everything. It also didn't help that when I got there, it was pretty much packed with just the Art students, which wasn't cool. It went downhill from there. I was told to sit a maths and English test or something so I did but I took longer than everyone else even though I felt like I was whizzing through it. I tried to join the huge group again but they had moved from where I was told to go. I panicked and walked around for a while. I finally asked someone and re-joined with the others.

I was then told that I needed to fill in some enrolement forms for the course, which basically make sure you're put on the right level depending on your grades. However, I had already done this for my last course so technically I didn't need to. It was just a disaster. I had waited ALL day for nothing. They said I didn't even need to be there. Which is always nice to know at the end of the day:).

Okay, I'm rambling about nothing, moving on. I came home with a huge headache and it has lasted until this morning, so I had to have some sort of painkiller. Mum said it could be a stress headache and it might be but who knows. I mean, to everyone else this might not seem anything and I'm sure you all have much worse things going on right now so I am sorry. This is just me.

My room had also been getting quite a bit messy and I think this added to the stress. So I asked my mum if we could really tidy it out, de-clutter. And I must say, it worked. Last night I felt so relaxed it was unreal. Like I had nothing to worry about.

So if you get anything from this post, remember that:

'Tidy room, Tidy mind.'

It works, promise.

I understand that this post is also a bit of a disaster but I just wanted to really get it out of my system and say how the quote above actually helped. It shocked me. I hope you all enjoyed my last #BeautiesOnFire post which you can read HERE. I did a look based on a pokemon!

Have a great week.
Adios amigos!xo

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Pokemon: Beauties On Fire!

Hey guys,

So this weeks beauties on fire theme is 'Pokémon' which yes, I am very happy about.

I know you have all heard of Pokémon just because of Pokémon Go. Personally I love the game but I know some people don't see the point but its just personal preference I guess.

So for this post I knew that Pikachu would probably be a popular one so I didn't want to do this. Instead I thought I would use one that I have caught on the game for my inspiration. Also, despite having a fair few palettes, my shades are quite limited. The first one that I think is pretty cute and I have the shades for was 'Vileplume'. Which is also nice because when I had finished, I thought it was a really wearable look. So enjoy.

As usual I am only going to give a brief run through of what I did for my eyes. The rest is up to you. If you want to know what other makeup I use normally, check a previous post. I will 100% have mentioned things that I have used today.

First off, I used my Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer for a base of my eyes, just so that there is more of a neutral base. For my transition shade I used 'Peach Dream' Although this isn't as pigmented as I would've loved. Although that could have just been the lighting I was in. For the crease I added 'Pink!' and blended these together. This took a while for me to get it to how I wanted but that's all good. For the shade on my lid I used 'Orchid' and blended this in. obviously this took a while as the first layer blended into the pink, so then the colour wasn't as bold. But I loved how they blended together! I really loved how this worked out. I then obviously added some liquid liner and mascara. I used a white pencil eyeliner for my waterline and added some 'Pink!' on the lower lash line, just to tie it all together.

I also debated on adding some white dots on the pink part but I don't really like it. Although I do think it looks quite cool with different sized white dots under the wing. But that's optional I guess.

I hope you get some inspiration from this, personally I love the way this looks. Even though its related to Pokémon, its not totally obvious which makes it very wearable.

I hope you love this look as much as I do! Also be sure to check out all the other ladies' post by clicking here. This will take you to Elisabeth's post where you can also find the link up at the bottom. Enjoy! Sorry this is such a short post but I have to get up early tomorrow and i still have to dry my hair - which takes a while haha. Please comment if you have any ideas you would like me to do and I will try my best to include them on Sundays.

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 22 August 2016

I was Nominated?!

Hey guys,

This is already such a lovely post to write. The amazing Disaster Davis (her post: here) has nominated/awarded me for the 'Versatile Blogger Award'. Thank you! This means the absolute world to me. I love her blog so much and I'm glad that I was able to find it thanks to the #BeautiesOnFire collab. You should all go check her blog out!

Anyway, when you are awarded this, you have to give seven facts about yourself. So get ready to be bored to death, because lets face it...I'm not that interesting!

1. I can be a very shy person. Like extremely socially awkward. I try my best to keep up a good conversation with new people but I get overwhelmed. I cant even explain. When I go shopping on my own, I feel good in my self (the way I look and all) and I walk like I own the street, but then sometimes it just completely changes. I guess we all have our fair share of good and bad days.

2. I love cats. Mainly my own cat. She's adorable. if I'm in a bad mood, she takes me out of it. She is actually allergic to herself and has a heart murmur so I guess I am also like a protective mother. - I will stop because I sound like a crazy cat lady already. But she's fab.

3. I have no idea of what I want to do in life. At all. There are several careers that I see myself doing but I don't know. I can't make decisions to save my life. I have finished a Creative media course at College and now I am going on to do an art course. But who knows if they will actually amount to anything I will do. Honestly, the whole thing scares me; I don't even know why. It's so stressful.

4. I love makeup. I would say I've grown up with makeup. I used to just sit and practise liquid liner years ago and not know a thing I was doing. Then more and more, I was more interested. Now the most exciting thing about going out is the 'getting ready' part. I like to get ready hours early just so I can take my time and enjoy it. Also I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to something like this, so I like it to be very neat haha - that takes time. I guess I could have a career in this but I don't know.

5. I love my own company. When I say this I don't mean that I hate everyone but I just like being on my own. If I have a day to myself, I normally do nothing other than watch Netflix or play on my Xbox. Which probably sounds sad to a lot of you but I like chill days.

6. I have Psoriasis. I am not sure whether people know or not, its not exactly a secret. I actually think I have written a post about it before. But yes I do have this. Basically its just where your skin grows too fast on certain parts of your body. Mine, is my scalp and elbows. It sucks really. Its not pretty but I guess I have to live with it so why even complain. 

7. My blog is now 2 years old and its so weird. I can't believe its been this long! This is probably the only thing that I can stay with. I am so glad I decided to do this one day because now I feel like I can say what I want with out feeling like I'm being judged. And this has enabled me to interact with some great people! I hope I can meet more and even do more collaborations. I Hope you have all enjoyed my posts, because I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

The five blogs that I nominate are:

1. That Girl With That Blog.
2. Everything & Nothin'.
3. AYR Galaxy.
4. SkinnyDecxfLatte.

The rules:
Make sure to thank whoever nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
Nominate at least five blogs of your choice.
Link the nominees and let them know of your nomination.
Share seven facts about yourself.

I look forward to reading these lovely ladies' posts! And thank you Again 'Disaster Davis' for this.

(chosen from Google)

Adios amigos!xo

Friday, 19 August 2016

BOLD: Beauties On Fire!

Hey guys,

I cant believe this is week 6 of the beauties on fire collaboration. Really doesn't feel like it. Anyway, this weeks theme is bold, which is actually what I suggested a few weeks ago. Obviously I already had an idea in mind so I hope you guys enjoy. If you want to read Elisabeth's post to see her look and also find everyone else's posts, click HERE.

For my look I decided to make my eyes the focal point. I will be honest, it didn't turn out exactly how I would've loved, but hey ho. I will list the eye products I used below, but I will miss out the face makeup as that is just the usual. If you are interested, read a previous Beauties on fire post.

Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer - For a base.
Makeup Revolution, Fortune Favours The Brave palette.
Makeup Revolution, Eyes Like Angles palette.
Sleek Solstice palette.
Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara.

The eye look is extremely simple, which is good because if you are someone who has no idea what you are doing with makeup, you could try this. You could also make this work for several eye shapes/sizes.

All I did was take the shade 'Buffer' from the Makeup Revolution 'Fortune Favours The Brave' palette in the crease and blended it out. This is just the transition shade, you could use a similar shade or even one that matches your skin tone. This is just so that the other shades blend well and don't leave any harsh lines.

I used the shade ' Smoothie' from the palette above for the outer corner of my eye and brought it in to the crease.  You can also put this all over the lid if it helps. Then the shimmery shade I added was 'Green Envy' from the Makeup Revolution 'Eyes Like Angles' palette. I absolutely love this shade, I don't think it suits me all too well but I still love it. It is so pigmented!
That's it for the eyes really, just add your favourite mascara or lashes, bring the dark matte shade down under your lower lash line (this will help it look more smoky and 'put together') and highlight your inner corner. Obviously I used the trusty Sleek Solstice palette. I guess you could also add liquid liner but I chose not too, as the boldness was the eyeshadow. Normally I don't leave out the liner but for this look I think it looks great without too!

I also did a second look but I wasn't too happy with it. I don't think the colours compliment each other well. I will still include a picture so you guys can see but I just wasn't happy with it I personally would've left it with the red/pink shadow. All of the shades for this look were from the same palettes used above.

All I can say is, experiment. Try different colours, styles, something that you wouldn't normally reach for. If you tend to reach for browns/nudes go for a red style, or blue. If you don't even reach for eyeshadow, try it! Or even try a bold lip. Because why not?
I hope you are all having a good summer. Honestly I'm more excited for Autumn!

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Suicide Squad Mini Review!

Hey guys,

I have literally just returned from seeing 'Suicide Squad' so I thought I would give you a little review and tell you whether it was worth the trip.

First of all, I had heard good things about the soundtrack for this film. And I must say, it is great. All of the songs fit the situations perfectly. The picture features songs such as Heathens by Twenty One Pilots, Bohemian Rhapsody by Panic! At The Disco and more. I think the music fits incredibly well to the genre of movie. Very well done to them. I'd give 5/5 stars for this.

Also, I've heard a few people say that Health ledger's Joker is a lot better than Jared Leto. Shoot me, but i haven't seen the other films like batman or superman, none of them. They just never interested me. Obviously the trailer and spoilers for this film intrigued me, a lot. So I guess I cant give a fair judgement but I definitely do love this joker. He is played brilliantly in my opinion. If you were thinking of not seeing this just because people are saying the Joker isn't 'played well' I suggest you make your own judgement. Like I have said, I loved it.

As I have said, I don't really know much of these comics and all the plots so I didn't really know what to expect. But all through the film I was interested. I think they did a great job with the plot. Although at some points I thought it was a long  wait until the end, but that was just because I was losing feeling in my legs and all that good stuff haha. Great plot though overall. I definitely recommend just for the storyline.

I think every single one of the characters were played brilliantly. I do have favourites such as Harley Quinn because she's hilarious and so insane its fab. But I also love Deadshot, Killer Croc and the rest of them. I love them all for different reasons. I have to admit, I did tear up at El Diablo's history and why he doesn't use his powers. Very sad. :(

I don't really know what else to say. Its a fab film and definitely worth the time and money. I would say its worth 4.5/5 stars. I loved it. I wasn't going to see Suicide Squad because I thought I would be lost but that was definitely not the case. You see other features of comics such as 'The flash' and batman but if you know briefly of them, you're good.

I hope you take a chance to see it.
If you don't agree with what I've said, that's fine. I just hope you enjoy the experience. If you don't, eat your popcorn, that's worth it!

Adios amigos!xo

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Harley Quinn Makeup Inspiration: Beauties On Fire!

Hey guys,

So I hope you are all doing well, and enjoyed my last post where I spoke about my July favourites (You can read it here). This weeks theme was voted as 'Movie/Book' - which I also voted for as I had already had an idea. As you can tell by the title, I am going to show you how I recreated Harley Quinn's makeup from the new 'Suicide Squad'. Which I am desperate to see but I don't think anyone I know is interested:(. I wanted to include a small review in this post but I haven't seen it yet, if I do soon, I will add it in.

Before I start rambling on, don't forget to read Elisabeth's post HERE where you can also find everyone else's posts. Spread the damn love.

Here are the products that I used:

Maybelline FIT me foundation
Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer
Maybelline Master Sculpt contour duo
Soap & Glory Brow tint and precision shaping pencil
Makeup Revolution 'Eyes Like Angels' palette
Sleek 'The Original - 594' Palette
Sleek Solstice Palette
Rimmel Lasting finish lip pencil - 021, Red Dynamite
Sleek Matte Me lip cream in 'Fired Up'
Maybelline Lash sensational mascara
Loreal Super Liner Perfect Slim

My look:

For the eyes, I simply applied a base (Rimmel concealer) then on the left eye: added the shade 'Pink!' From the makeup revolution palette (listed above) all over my lid. I also brought this out onto my face. I cant really describe this well, hopefully you can see on the photos. I also added 'Pink Frosted' on the lid and blended in just to add some shimmer. On the right eye I used the bright blue shade from the Sleek palette listed above and did the same thing. For the shimmery shade I used 'Blue sheen' or you could use 'Aqua Dream' (from Makeup Revolution) depending on the brightness.

Then I added a wing and the mascara and that's all.

For the other detailing, I used the eyeliner by Loreal (listed above) to draw on a heart near the left eye, a diamond on the right and 'ROTTEN' on the bottom left. I did practise this look and actually did the blue and pink the wrong way around so the second lot of pictures will be different showing this.

I have only recently bought the Sleek matte me lip cream and I quite love it. At first I thought it was very, very patchy. But, tonight I realised it just dries insanely quickly so its best to work in sections. You only need one coat, otherwise it is really dry and on the inside of your lips it feels dry too. So watch out for that. Remember one layer:).

I feel very 'badass' in this makeup look and I must say, it is quite fabulous. I will definitely wear this when I go see the film!

If you guys recreate this, leave me a link in the comments so I can see! Also let me know if you prefer the old or new Harley Quinn. I think I prefer the new one. From what I can see in the trailer, she is played incredibly well and I already love her.

That's it! I love you guys.
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 7 August 2016

July Favourites!

Hey guys,

Firstly, how is it already August?! I feel like its only just been May but apparently not...
So here's last months favourites that I LOVED.

1. My first favourite is a nail polish that looks stunning on my personal skin tone. I love it, it is part of Barry M's speedy quick dry range. Its the shade '36' (the name has actually rubbed off the bottle, my bad) It looks gorgeous. I think it makes my nails look more elegant, if you will. I prefer lighter colours on my nails, I'm not even entirely sure why but I do. So if you feel the same way, you should try this. Or one of a similar shade, they have a few that are pale nudes. And I think there will be one for everyone.

2. The other week I went to another house party (which was amazing) and I wanted to try out false lashes. I thought this would be ideal because it is only a house party, yet I can still make an effort. I tried the 'Kiss' lashes in 'Shy'. I bloody adore these. Seriously. By looking at the packet, I thought they would be a little too dramatic for me, they're not. I would say they're quite natural from a normal distance away, it is only when someone is close that they look long. Which is great if you want a subtle look but still have them noticed. For £5.99, I thought they were well worth the price. You also get some free glue which is handy because if you're like me and only just starting with them, you don't have to buy extra glue. I must say they are quite flimsy but they're not that hard.

3. Kathleen Lights. She is a beauty YouTuber, and she recommended the above lashes. She is so honest about products and she doesn't seem fake. Not that others are but in the sense that, she doesn't 'put on' for the camera, if that makes sense. I don't know, I love her, and her video's.

4. Also in this month I purchased a beautiful top from Sainsbury's (LOL). I also really love this. I was with my mum and Carol (who is my god mother - she's fab) and I was just browsing, honestly I thought it was just 'Okay' on the hanger. When I tried it on, I fell in love. I'm pretty sure it was £16, I debated on getting it but I knew if I didn't, I would've regretted it. I am glad I did. I will add a picture when it has been washed, well I will try and remember.

5. The next thing on my list is pretty recent but I'm sure it counts. On the 29th Of July, I went to the cinema with Lia and her boyfriend Jack to see, you guessed it, Finding Dory! Oh my gosh... This is such an amazing film. It's so cute and you get to see all of her past which is great. My best friend actually did a review so you should read that (Here). Personally the cute little short story beforehand was just as cute and I think that really added to the whole experience. It's a lot better than just watching tons of adverts. I think if you're around my age you will have already seen it or soon will be, if not..Go! Its worth it, trust me.

6. For my final one, I am just going to mention two things. They are, Pretty Little Liars, and Gossip Girl. If you love PLL as much as me, you will know that they have recently started season 7. I think 6 episodes so far. I am absolutely loving it. I have also started re-watching which is kind of confusing but anyway. I am just all for it lately and I suggest you watch it too, if you don't already. I have also started re-watching Gossip Girl. Which is an all time fave. I am still waiting for Lia to get to the finale (cough, cough) so I thought I would re-watch while I wait. Blair is pretty great in my opinion. If you have watched the finale, What did you think? Did you love it? Was you shocked? Tell me.

That's all for this post. I will see you on Thursday with another Beauties On Fire post.

Adios amigos!xo

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Ariel inspired Make up: Beauties on Fire!

Hey guys,

So I hope you guys have had an amazing week since the last Beauties on Fire post. If you haven't read that yet, you can HERE. Also be sure to check out Elisabeth's post where you can also find the link up. Make sure to leave positive comments and spread that love!

This weeks theme was voted as 'Disney Princess' which, I love and hate a little. I love because I think all the princesses are colourful and you can create some great looks with them, but I also didn't want the older readers (if you eve reading..) to feel like they couldn't recreate this.
I tweeted a poll on my twitter (feel free to follow - @hardwick_katie) to see which princess you guys would like to see. I would've loved to do Pocahontas, but the one that won was Ariel from The Little Mermaid. So enjoy!

Here are the products that I used:
  • Rimmel lasting finish primer
  • Rimmel Wake me up concealer
  • Rimmel match perfection concealer
  • Make up Revolution Affirmation palette
  • Maybelline superstay better skin foundation & Maybelline FIT me, matte and poreless foundation
  • Sleek 'The original' (594) palette
  • Maybelline Master Sculpt duo
  • Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked blush in 'Loved Me The Best'
  • Sleek Solstice highlighting palette
  • Rimmel stay matte pressed powder
  • Rimmel London Soft kohl eyeliner pencil in 07/pure white
  • Bourjois rouge edition velvet liquid lipstick in 'Nude-ist'
  • Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara
This is mainly for inspiration for you to follow but I guess I will also talk you through the eye makeup.

I used my primer and concealer for a base and used my make up revolution pallet and used the shade 'Vow' to set it all down. The shade 'Hope' I used as my transition colour, this will help the lines not be as harsh in the long run. For the whole lid I took the Sleek palette, the teal-ish colour and blended out. If the edges look weird because of the two colours, just keep blending and go back with the transition colour to blend more. I decided this wasn't as blue as I would've wanted, as obviously this is about the water. So I added the bright blue from the same palette and added this on top of the teal.
I really didn't do much for the eyes but to add the colour, and I'm pretty sure Ariel wears purple, I added the purple from the Sleek palette on my lower lash line, I also brought this up to my lid - almost like a wing.
Then I added some mascara (both, on the top and bottom lashes). I would've done some winged liner but I thought this would ruin the look. Plus, princesses have perfect lashes and adding the wing would make my eyelashes look smaller. You could always add false lashes or the wing, this is up to your preference. Also don't forget to highlight the inner corner of your eye!

I used a white eyeliner for my waterline as I think this worked well with all the colours and also made the eyes seem bigger which is always good for a princess.

I wont talk through the process of the face makeup as that is just the usual, I'm sure most of you get the point. Please, enjoy the rest of the photos:).

I can honestly say that I loved this look so much. I only did it for this post but I will definitely do this again. I don't know, it just made me feel colourful which I think we can all use. I also think this would work for the summer because of the colour use, what ever tickles your fancy I guess.

I hope you enjoyed this post, maybe even got some inspiration from this. I must say that the photos don't give the eye makeup enough justice. Trust me, it's stunning.

That's all for this post but keep an eye out on my twitter as there will be another poll soon for the next theme! See you then.

Adios amigos!xo