Monday, 29 August 2016

Too much stress!

Hey guys,

This is going to be a nice, chilled post this week. Just because I am so sick of being stressed.

This past week, I have had something to do pretty much everyday.

On Tuesday I had my car theory test (which I passed, you'll be happy to know.) This itself didn't stress me out as I felt prepared, but it definitely added to the stress.

Then the rest of week I just had little things like going into town, (twice I might add), A day at college for enrolment. I know I'm making this out to be a great week, and it has been (except for college) but it has really got me down lately.

I don't even know why I am going into the details but why not. Basically, all week I was dreading the day at college. I am starting Art and design this year, I don't know why but I didn't know what else to do. This day we were enrolling onto the course and I was so nervous to meet the tutors, other students, everything. It also didn't help that when I got there, it was pretty much packed with just the Art students, which wasn't cool. It went downhill from there. I was told to sit a maths and English test or something so I did but I took longer than everyone else even though I felt like I was whizzing through it. I tried to join the huge group again but they had moved from where I was told to go. I panicked and walked around for a while. I finally asked someone and re-joined with the others.

I was then told that I needed to fill in some enrolement forms for the course, which basically make sure you're put on the right level depending on your grades. However, I had already done this for my last course so technically I didn't need to. It was just a disaster. I had waited ALL day for nothing. They said I didn't even need to be there. Which is always nice to know at the end of the day:).

Okay, I'm rambling about nothing, moving on. I came home with a huge headache and it has lasted until this morning, so I had to have some sort of painkiller. Mum said it could be a stress headache and it might be but who knows. I mean, to everyone else this might not seem anything and I'm sure you all have much worse things going on right now so I am sorry. This is just me.

My room had also been getting quite a bit messy and I think this added to the stress. So I asked my mum if we could really tidy it out, de-clutter. And I must say, it worked. Last night I felt so relaxed it was unreal. Like I had nothing to worry about.

So if you get anything from this post, remember that:

'Tidy room, Tidy mind.'

It works, promise.

I understand that this post is also a bit of a disaster but I just wanted to really get it out of my system and say how the quote above actually helped. It shocked me. I hope you all enjoyed my last #BeautiesOnFire post which you can read HERE. I did a look based on a pokemon!

Have a great week.
Adios amigos!xo

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