Sunday, 6 November 2016

What I did on Halloween!

Hey guys,

So this weeks post may be a little short as I am currently so tired and have the thought  of college work to do tomorrow, which is stressing me out. I would say I'm sorry but I'm not. This is my blog, and I post what I want to post whether the quality is high or low. Sometimes you're just not in the mood to do something, and that's okay. But if I missed a week I would be really mad at myself. I think this is the only thing I've ever kept up.

Anyway, in last weeks post I suggested a few things that you could have done for Halloween. It was a day before so maybe it was pointless...However I hope you all had a wonderful day doing whatever it was.

I know I had an awesome day! Lee, my mum and I had to go to the hospital for my mums eyes. I don't quite understand why but still, me and Lee sat near costa with our hot drinks and waited. We had a lovely long chat, about everything and nothing really. Also I should mention I was wearing a 'Gory' (not that gory) Alice In Wonderland costume. Tights and all. I got a good few looks, and even some compliments. One woman almost sat on Lee's lap as she was walking past because she couldn't stop looking. Haha, bless her.

Afterwards we all went back home for a quick drink and a chat before going round to Samantha's and Lee's house.

We had some lunch and then began our pumpkins. It always takes us a while to pick an idea and of course I couldn't pick so I created my own. What a mistake. Normally I would say I pretty much nail it but this year it was awful and it took me FOREVER to finish. Samantha's definitely won this year, sorry Lee. Haha. I will leave a photo below but I wont say who's is who's. Can you guess?

By the time I had finished it was already dark - my bad...- so it was time to watch films! Although for the first half an hour or so they introduced me to Modern Family. I think its hilarious! Definitely worth watching I think. While watching these Lee started on tea. We had pizza and homemade fries. The pizza was alright but the fries...JUST AMAZING. I may go as far to say better than McDonald's but I'll have to have more of both to decide! Well done Lee haha.

We decided on the first Ouija film (I don't actually know the title so sorry), I say first because the second has just been released and even I didn't know it was a sequel. This was a good film, not scary but I'd say entertaining, it had a good storyline. But I do love a jumpy horror film more.

Then we decided on The Visit. Which honestly, is hilarious and so weird. Worth the watch. Again not jumpy, but creepy. There is a huge twist at the end, which if you watch carefully you will probably see coming but I think this makes the film very interesting at the end. Which is what I look for!

Both films were good but I wouldn't say scary. Next year me and Lee are going to plan the films more so that Samantha doesn't get away with not watching a good horror and not getting nightmares. I do love my sister, promise.

Overall it was a lovely day and I very much enjoyed it. I always do. But I will definitely be back for those fries!

I think that's about it, I may have missed something but I am tired so I am going to say it's allowed. I'm sure either Samantha or Lee will tell me if I have. By the way, if you are confused as to whom Samantha and Lee are, (where have you been) Samantha is my sister and Lee is her FiancĂ©. To be honest I already think of him as my brother.
Glad we're caught up.

I look awful but Conan is too cute!

Adios amigos!xo

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