Friday, 23 December 2016

It's almost the end! Day 11: 12 days of Blogmas!

Hey guys,

I have to say this, 'Happy Christmas Eve Eve'!

I can't even believe it, I know I probably said this in all of my posts but I really can't believe it. I'm really excited for Christmas, or even Samantha's birthday tomorrow as I will try my hardest to make it special... But I don't feel too Christmassy? I can't explain it. I guess it's because I'm getting older but still. I mean, I usually still try to go to sleep early for Christmas so that I don't see any presents being transferred. Kinda so the magic is still there but that's hard when your parents aren't quiet with the bags. Still, I try.

I guess that's one thing I miss about being young - having something to believe in, some magic. Now it's all about finding a job, finishing education, getting a career, growing up and such. Why can't the magic last forever?

This is probably going to be the last Christmassy post for blogmas as tomorrow is my sisters birthday (as mentioned above lmao) so we focus on that rather than Christmas. I would say I'm sorry but I'm not, that's just how we do things. Plus I'm sure you guys don't mind as I didn't even have a Christmassy topic for today nevermind tomorrow haha!

I can't believe this will all be over soon and Things go back to normal. I find it so strang how one minute its Christmas everywhere and then all of a sudden it's like nothing happened. I wish it lasted longer. Maybe you agree maybe you don't. Who knows. I'm already dreading summer again....

I don't really know what else to say. Like I said, I didn't really have a topic except for the magic disappearing and that didn't last long. I am sorry. It's only two sleeps until Christmas now so I hope you're all feeling festive, I haven't even watched one Christmas film yet! Oops. I hope your wrapping is going okay, I hardly put any effort in this year but oh well!

Merry Christmas.
Adios amigos!xo

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