Monday, 27 November 2017

Postponing this

Hey guys, 

I hate to miss a weeks upload. So I’m writing this. I will change all of this tomorrow for an actual post. 

I’ve slept most of the day mainly because of drinking last night. But I’m also having some health issues which I’m going to see a doctor about tomorrow. 

I need to stop being so strict about missing a week, it’s not that big of a deal. At the end of the day I need to value my health so that’s what I’m trying to do. This will change in a few hours time but for now. 

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 20 November 2017

Trying something new

Hey guys,

First of, IM A CELEB is back!!!

Absolutely ready for it. I already love the camp mates and some have already surprised me but maybe I'll leave this for next weeks post.

So, if you are new here. Hello, I'm Katie and I am what most people consider 'fat'. However I have been on  VERY long journey of self love. The past few years I have accepted myself a lot more but recently I feel like I have made a significant amount of progress.

By following Instagram accounts of lovely women such as 'bodyposipanda'  'nolatrees' 'cheezybhole' I was able to see and understand everyone has different shapes. AND HELL ITS OKAY!

I have rolls and I love them (at the minute anyway). They are welcome and I'm not going to apologise for them anymore. They are a part of me, and fabulous.

My actual belly itself is taking a little more time but that's welcome here to. I bought a jumpsuit.
Never thought I 'd ever own any. They do tend to show of your belly as it is like having a shirt tucked into trousers. But I love it! I took the plunge and ordered two sizes (for safety reasons obviously), I surprised myself and I am glad I did. I will include a photo. Its not everyone's cup of tea but its mine, which is all that matters. Still not quite sure what shoes would be okay to pair with it though!

(will also look better when ironed lol)

I might make it my 'Christmas' outfit for this year. I also have a pink Santa hat so I guess it'd work???
When I go out in public in it I will be very, very proud of myself.

As I finish this post I have nearly finished my alcoholic beverage, sat with a Santa hat on, listening to Christmas songs. I am having a great time celebrating. I don't think my cat is as amused as I am though. Anyways, I hope everyone is as happy as I am right now as I type this.

See you next week.
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Christmas is looming..

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

My previous two posts were a bit naff and hopefully this one is a little better. I am finally writing on my laptop again and it is so much easier than my phone.

Yes, Christmas is on it's way and to me it seems to be approaching quite quickly. The John Lewis advert was released meaning it acceptable to play Christmas songs, full blast.

Me and mum have been buying new baubles and lights ready for our tree this year. We are having another real tree, which I am buzzing for. Last year we didn't have a tree up because of some sudden arrangements, so instead I had one in my room. But this year it will feel like Christmas, properly.

There's something about having a film on at night with the tree lit up, while you eat some Quality Street. And I'm so excited for that feeling again.

I have bought one present and one Christmas card so far. Which is quite unprepared but I will get there. I'm hoping to buy a few this week as I'm going shopping with a friend but who knows, it may be spent on food instead.

I am hoping to do blogmas this year, but I'm not too sure yet honestly. I have some time to think about it. Maybe ill do what I did the first year I did it, where I only did 12 days.

I have just sat for about half an hour just going through my old Snapchats at around this time last year and it is so strange how much I feel I've changed. I mean, I don't look any different but I just see it. I'm definitely more mature and have grown as a person. But it is so strange looking back.  I know this part wasn't Christmassy but still. I intended to find a cute photo to include but I found a Christmassy one from last year so enjoy:).

Until next week where I may do a makeup look???? I say this ALL the time but I have been collecting some new makeup products so maybe ill come up with some looks.

Adios Amigos!xo

Sunday, 5 November 2017


Hey guys,

So I keep saying about pre-writing but I haven’t even had the chance this week which sucks so this post might be a shambles but hey ho, it normally is.

Tonight is bonfire night, and I’m actually devastated about couldn’t go watch some fireworks because of work. I mean I can’t complain because I got paid but still. I like to go every year as it’s an amazing  fireworks display. Although I could see some from the window at work.

I went out on Thursday and it was great. By out I mean out drinking with Hannah, my friend. I may have had a little too much but it was worth it. I had a great time. I looked great, although I couldn’t help but sometimes feel Inferior compared to everyone else having fun and looking stunning while doing so. Still the cocktails were delicious and kept coming.

I must say I really enjoyed the end of the night when I sung Disney in the middle of town with a complete stranger. He was really going for it, and loving life. Actually made me feel like I had nothing to worry about - carefree. Nothing to concentrate on or fix or anything. It was just fun. I haven’t felt like that in a while

I hope to have more moments like that.

(I will add some photos from taht night when I get my laptop back from my sister, can’t seem to add photos on my phone)

Audi’s amigos!xo