Hey guys,
I hope you are all well.
My previous two posts were a bit naff and hopefully this one is a little better. I am finally writing on my laptop again and it is so much easier than my phone.
Yes, Christmas is on it's way and to me it seems to be approaching quite quickly. The John Lewis advert was released meaning it acceptable to play Christmas songs, full blast.
Me and mum have been buying new baubles and lights ready for our tree this year. We are having another real tree, which I am buzzing for. Last year we didn't have a tree up because of some sudden arrangements, so instead I had one in my room. But this year it will feel like Christmas, properly.
There's something about having a film on at night with the tree lit up, while you eat some Quality Street. And I'm so excited for that feeling again.
I have bought one present and one Christmas card so far. Which is quite unprepared but I will get there. I'm hoping to buy a few this week as I'm going shopping with a friend but who knows, it may be spent on food instead.
I am hoping to do blogmas this year, but I'm not too sure yet honestly. I have some time to think about it. Maybe ill do what I did the first year I did it, where I only did 12 days.
I have just sat for about half an hour just going through my old Snapchats at around this time last year and it is so strange how much I feel I've changed. I mean, I don't look any different but I just see it. I'm definitely more mature and have grown as a person. But it is so strange looking back. I know this part wasn't Christmassy but still. I intended to find a cute photo to include but I found a Christmassy one from last year so enjoy:).
Until next week where I may do a makeup look???? I say this ALL the time but I have been collecting some new makeup products so maybe ill come up with some looks.
Adios Amigos!xo
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