Friday, 17 October 2014


Hey guys, 

Recently I've been really happy, with nothing in particular just life in general. And I love it so much. When I fall down there's always them special people that pick you straight up or even catch you before you fall. They're the friends to stay with. Anyway. Even shopping has become a really big pleasure for me - even if I may spend a bit of money.. It's always been fun but because of the weight I've lost over the past couple months, I'm starting to see a difference and buying new clothes makes me so happy that I'm getting closer and closer to being really happy with my body.

The other day an inspirational man, Ben Parkinson, came into my school to tell us his story about being in the army. Everyone around me were upset by what had happened to him and all the injuries he had faced. But I wasn't upset, I was proud. Inspired. I may have nearly teared up but that was because he had lost his memory and that really hit me. But we all complain about little things in life that we either have to face or things we haven't got. Hearing his story changed that all for me, yeah I might get stressed and say things I don't mean and yes maybe I'll have a bad day, but it all gets better. Things can only improve in my eyes. His story proved this to me.

We complain if we get a simple injury, well he had lost both of his legs from just above the knee's. It just shows people go through different things and depending on the way you think, they're struggling a lot more. 

However everyone has that one thing they hate about themselves and this is okay. For me, it's psoriasis. Basically, if you don't know, its a skin condition. I'm not covered in it but its on my scalp and my elbows. People barely notice but if I put my hair in a pony tail they can see some. This can only be tamed and not cured. which kind of sucks.. but why should I let something so little bother me? A lot of other people will be struggling with it too. especially those who have it on their legs, there is some real sever cases and it worries me that I might get like that sometimes. But it wont, because I wont let it! even if it does, I wont let it ruin my life.

I'm sure you all have something you don't like about your body, whether its your weight, shape, height, condition or maybe an injury. Don't see it as something negative as it is a part of you and you are AMAZING.

This turned into a rant, and I couldn't be more sorry. but all im trying to say is, be happy, with your body, your friends, family and most of all your LIFE! you only get one remember!

QUOTE : Do more of what makes you happy<3

I love you all!
Adios Amigos!xo


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