So I know this isn't my usual type of blog, but I fancied a change. - Don't worry, I will still be doing my usual blogs as well as i really want to start using my camera to take decent photos.
Anyway back to this, Tom kind of inspired me to do this from his video - - as he talks about technology so I suggest you go watch his video after you have read this ofcourse!;)
I don't know whether its just me but sometimes technology scares me..It can track where we go and hack our information with out us knowing. However i also think its a wonderful and mind-blowing thing and I'm glad to have been brought up with it. Websites such as twitter and Pinterest I cannot live without. My iPad goes everywhere ever i go, I'm attached to it all the time.. (Yes I ought to calm it down, i get it!) It's incredibly weird when I'm sat in public, say a cafe, with my iPad using it easily and such but across the room is an older man who can barely use his phone.
I mean its not our fault we grew up with it, but I think kids should go back to the past when you didn't have a phone until you were 'responsible' and had to earn it! When I'm out I see young children maybe 5 with iPhones, how?! I'm still trying to get an iPhone and I'm 16. When I was five I was happy with a colouring book, god I sound old..
You knew where your friends were by the bikes and scooters outside the house, not by texting them. Everyone enjoyed being out with friends rather than checking their phones every ten seconds and being antisocial. Obviously I am guilty of this, I've grown up with the technology. Now to me it's strange when I don't have my iPad near me. This scares me to think that yes I'm addicted to the internet and technology but so are younger people and they have barely lived. I know I'm still only young and any adults that may be reading this (hi, how are you?) will be more likely to relate.
Don't get me wrong, I still appreichiate technology and what great things it can do (I can't wait for new technology to be released!) however I think maybe we should all calm down a little. I'm going to stop taking my iPad everywhere, I'm not going to use it as much when I have guests and I will actually talk to them. Maybe we should all do this more and LOOK UP.
That's all really, I know this was quite an odd topic and I didn't actually have that much to say but I hope you enjoyed it, I love you all
Adios amigos!xo
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