Sunday, 19 April 2015

Healthy Habits?!

hey guys,

Look at me keeping this 'two-a-week' thing going! Haha, maybe it'll last, maybe it wont. Any way, the purpose of these Sundays posts is to motivate you ready for the week ahead, (I explained this in a previous blog post) and who doesn't need to be motivated to eat healthily? OK maybe there's a few that don't, but I certainly did.
Last year I lost quite a lot of weight as a result of eating better than what I did and everyone around me noticed. Therefore resulting in better moods and more confidence. Towards the end of each year the fruit starts to lose its delicious-ness, This then lead to me to stop reaching for fruit and grab a chocolate bar instead.

Well now all the fruit is tasty again, I want to go back to the way I was and I'd love it if you would all join me. Personally I'm not just doing this to lose weight but to also be fitter and have a better lifestyle - so this may take some work for me. If some of you reading this make a lot of smoothies please feel free to leave some idea's in the comments!:)
Today I MADE my mum and dad take me to Sainsburry's in order to buy some fruit ready for my breakfast tomorrow (and the following days of course). I bought lots of goodies as you can see in the picture below, there were more things but were irrelevant haha, (no, they weren't chocolate)

If you can see in that picture, there are some plain oats. I add these to my smoothies now as they act as your carbohydrate which makes the meal balanced more but they also make you feel fuller for longer. Just add a small handful to each smoothie and you will be able to tell the difference. Right now, as I am writing this post, I am drinking a smoothie (banana, blue berry, raspberry with yoghurt, milk, ice cubes and oats) and it is the most delicious thing I have ever made. (I use a Breville Blend active blender) Just thought I'd let you know, I will even be nice enough to give you a picture:)

I know this slightly went off topic but I hope you all join me by being healthy. Besides eating better means better moods, and better moods mean better mondays! So what's stopping you?


I love you all.
Adios amigo's!xo

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