Hey guys,
Firstly, I hope you've had a great week. This week has been the start of my official exams (wait what.. I'm growing up..? Oh god.) The thought of me leaving school is great to be quite honest and, even though I complain every single day as I leave my front door, it hasn't been that bad. I've had a fair share of memories (some good, some bad) however, I will still slightly miss it. Mostly the nice supportive teachers and the dreaded routine that I have to drag myself through every morning. - yes even that.-
That first paragraph seemed to have took me a while to write so I apologise if I'm rambling a little.
But yes, my exams and stress.. yay. I have done a past post about dealing with stress just in case you are interested - oh cheeky self promo. I have sat about 3 exams so far and to me they don't really feel real. They feel just like a mock I would be doing in preparation so I haven't really been worried or nervous yet. Which is strange because I thought I would be by now. I mean, don't get me wrong I have been stressed but that's mainly been because I'm trying my hardest to make sure I have learnt 5 years worth of several subjects, hahaha. Plus, some things have happened at home which I'd rather not discuss, not now anyway. For anyone else who may be taking their GCSE's, good luck and just try your hardest.
Now for the other subject, PROM.
Yay, I'm really excited for prom. Yes I know, everyone has mixed feelings about this. Personally I have looked forward to the night of feeling beautiful since I started secondary school. - Prom and being able to walk straight in for lunch haha!- The only thing I am worried for is that maybe it wont be as fabulous we all make it out to be, and I really hope it is. A princess-y sparkly dress, with a tiara isn't everyone's cup of tea but it sure is mine. I have my dress sorted, I just need my shoes and a clutch bag, which I am on the hunt for. For anyone who is having their prom next year or just in the future, I suggest you go just because it'll be the last time you are all together having fun - even with the people you hate. I hope it isn't the last time I see my best friends though..
I'm going to have to finish there because its getting soppy and cheesy and I shall not get into that.
So have a good week, I love you all.
Adios Amigo's!xo
-P.s my blog has had a makeover from my friend Tom, let me know what you think of it in the comments:) -
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