Hey guys,
So firstly, today I could not decide on what to blog about, I suppose, I am not inspired lately. But I promised my self I would do a post today so here it is. I asked Lia what I should do and she said ramble about your life, But that may be slightly boring for you. Oh well, we will see how this goes.
I have been quite happy lately despite something tragic that has happened in my family. Now, I will open up about this but only to an extent as obviously this is quite personal. Basically, my uncle has sadly passed away. It was quite a shock to me, and I am still trying to get to terms with it. His funeral was the 26th, and so that was a hard day for me as it would be for anyone. It was very odd in my head, looking around thinking is this actually happening, no.. it can't be. But it was - obviously. I just sat and looked lifeless. It did not feel real to me, AT ALL. However I was sat with my sister, she was so supportive and so brave (thankyou), this made it somewhat easier. I could not stop crying as soon as I started but despite this, I still thought of happy thoughts like how he was before he died. I guess you have to ALWAYS look on the bright side, no matter what, it helps. - Trying to get off subject swiftly..
Although this has happened, I still seem the same with my friends. Yes I had my sad days, and I always will but I still seem myself when I'm with them. I'm glad. After all, I cant just stop being myself can I?!
I would say this is a 'very important time of my life' but I do not believe it is. Exams. We try to remember the whole 5 years worth of information just for maybe an hour and a half.. for a grade. I personally don't think these grades are important. Yes they get you to A levels, college etc. but isn't working hard important? after sixth form/college you have to work hard for your job, or whatever you are doing. You may get a D in your English exam and still be the best writer known. If you mess up something stupid in the exam causing you to not get a C or above, What''s stopping you from doing something you know you are good at? (I'm not saying don't revise btw) Just think about that for a second.
Incase you couldn't tell I'm leaving school. Yes I will miss it, mostly the teachers.. but I am ready for the change. To actually do something I enjoy and am passionate about instead of sitting in sweaty classrooms wondering 'what am I even doing here? I wont speak too much about this, as my next blog post will be describing this - including pictures;).
So that's it for now, I love you all!
Adios amigo's!xo
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