Sunday, 24 April 2016

Another One of those Catch-Up's.

Hey guys,

I feel like I have a lot to say but at the same time, nothing.

So I guess I will just ramble like I normally do. You guys seem to like these posts anyway so I guess I'm doing you a favour.

First to ramble about are these new lipsticks - Bourjois, Rouge Edition Velvet. WOW. I adore them. I bought three as it was 'three for two' which came to about £18. Which, to me, isn't too bad for three decent lipsticks. I can honestly say it was way worth the gamble. I had watched some YouTube videos to see if they were good and everyone said they are great quality. So obviously I had to make the toughest decision of the century - the colours!
I decided on:

10. Don't Pink On It!
07. Nude-ist
14. Plum Plum Girl
These really don't do them any justice but I can assure you that they are absolutely gorgeous.

I wanted some matte liquid lipsticks for a while and I am so glad I decided on these ones. The formula is amazing - unbelievably soft. The colours are really pigmented and when dry, you hardly remember you have any on. Although I do recommend that you apply a lip balm before use so that your lips aren't too dry. Also, I find that once completely dry you don't get a lot of transfer, however I did make some chicken wraps yesterday (wow, they were very tasty) and I had just applied lipstick - as my dad said 'It looks like your wrap is bleeding. So just be slightly weary.

Onto the next subject. I have no idea as to what I should do for my 18th birthday. Yes this is still quite far away - 8 months and a bit. However last year I couldn't decide and just ended up going for a meal. Which was very nice and I loved it, although this year I want to do something special, just because it is a special birthday. I would have a pretty kick-ass party but I don't have enough friends for that and I don't think half of them would even turn up as it would be New Years Eve.
I have considered bowling, the cinema, or even visiting somewhere like London. But I am not sure. Please leave some suggestions in the comments - I BEG OF YOU.

Finally I just want to say how excited I am about summer. Normally I prefer the colder seasons (Autumn & Winter). Both for different reasons but the main one being the temperature. I just find that being cosy in some blankets with a hot chocolate and some sweets is my ideal thing to do. However I was sat out in the sun the other day. And yes I do live in England so this sun literally lasted less than two days. But still,  I sat out in my hammock enjoying the sunshine. Hopefully this year I actually go out more. Last year, I mainly watched 1 - 6 seasons of Pretty Little Liars - definitely worth it. I think im changing as a person ahhh. I also want some new sunglasses and I have found four pairs that I want. I just cant choose! Two are more rounded and the others are cat eye shaped. I love them all - obviously, but no one else like the cat eye ones. I do think that they would suit me better though so I have no idea. Knowing me, I will just end up purchasing all four.

That's it for this weeks post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget to comment what you think I should do for my 18th!

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 17 April 2016

My Recent Favourite Outfit.

Hey guys,

I guess I am doing posts, that are more out of my comfort zone lately. Hopefully you are all liking them, if not - Sorry!

I'm not the smallest size but I still like to take pride in what I wear. I am addicted to shopping, especially in New Look. Which is probably where all of these clothes are from, but you will find out.

I am not 100% sure on what to include in this post but I am just going to go with the flow - like old times...

At the start of the week, I planned to take photographs of five outfits I wore throughout. However I only got one...So I will just be talking about the one, which just so happens to be my favourite.

The first thing I am going to talk about is the necklace. It is a white lace chocker from New Look, I'm pretty sure it was around £4.99. It is so beautiful. I will leave a picture below, even though it really doesn't give it justice. I like it because it looks different, not just a plain chocker. The tiny chains that drape around give it something new. I don't really know how to explain it.

The shoes that I chose to wear are some black boots from Primark. I think they were around £18 - but I am not sure. They have a small heel to them but I think this looks smart with the outfit. They are comfy but obviously not as much as some flats would be.

The main part of the outfit is the top I wore. It is a lovely deep blue colour. It says on the New Look website that it is a 'ring back layered cami' just in case you were wondering. I honestly love this top. Yes, it is still chilly outside but that is why I decided to also include a black blazer which was £20 from Primark. I could actually do with a new black blazer, but hey ho. The top and blazer really compliment each other.

I just wore some thick black leggings which I swear by. They're pretty much comfort central - which is what I like. All together I think it looks really smart. It could work for an interview, any smart occasion or even everyday life. If you prefer you could just not wear the blazer so it is more relaxed looking. Personally I love the smart look. But that's just me. 

Like I said at the start of the post, I am not really sure what else to include. This is probably one of my worst posts but I didn't want to chance the idea last minute.
I hope this at least entertained a minor percentage of you - if it hasn't I am sorry for wasting like 3 minutes of your time. I love you all.

Have a kick-ass week!
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Going to a Wedding Fair!

Hey guys,

So I have no idea whether I have mentioned this in a previous post but Lee proposed to my sister on the 25th of September in Manchester and I couldn't be more happier for them.

They have been together for a good few years, I think I was ten years old so maybe 7 years, I have no clue. I don't really remember a time without Lee. It's like he has always been in the family for me. I don't have the best memory - I vaguely remember Samantha having previous relationships but nothing that made a difference in my life - to be honest, I doubt I even knew at the time. It was just a case of 'oh Samantha's going out? cool, what's for tea?'. As in, it wasn't really my business and didn't really care all that much haha.

But I think the first memory I have of knowing about Lee is when Samantha got all dressed up and went up to Manchester with Lee for the weekend. She was so happy. Obviously I don't really remember what I was doing but I do know that it was so lovely to see her happy. This could also have been the time where she had an allergic reaction to a face mask the night before which my mum and I found quite hilarious. However Sam did not. Sorry!

Anyway, anyway...onto the point. They're getting married in like a year or two. So that's happening. Haha. Today we went to a wedding fair which was pretty close by - just to look around. I loved it. I didn't really know what to expect but it was nice.

Obviously I took a fair few photos, which i shall include below. Just because I like to also think of my blog as a diary, so it makes sense to have these photos to look back on. Some aren't great but I like them, So enjoy!


 (a lot of laughs.)

 This makes me laugh. aww.

This is one of my favourite photos that I took today. I mean, Lee doesn't look like he's loving it but Samantha looks extremely happy and beautiful while being so. (Lee, you should really smile more:)).

I guess that's all i have to say for this post. I really enjoyed looking at everything - which sounds odd but true. It was nice to see everyone else looking at things like cake and dresses and looking so excited. I don't know, it just made me really happy. I hope one day I am as happy with someone just like these two.

I love you all. Have an awesome week.
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 3 April 2016

March Favourites!

Hey guys,

I was struggling to decide on what to write about this week but why not just do something relaxed? I am (obviously) going to write about my recent favourites from March or just before, and this is going to -hopefully- be a chatty post. I hope you enjoy it!

(I will do this in categories as this is probably the most easy way of doing it...)


If you remember, I actually did a post about my go-to-music, and I listed some of my favourite music off my Spotify playlist. Well, I have still been listening to this but I have added quite a few.
The first one being (my absolute fave) Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman. Gosh I love it so much. I have always loved Ari but her new music has developed her own style and this song really shows this. I also love Meghan Trainer's - NO, Jess Glynne - Ain't Got  Far To Go, and anything from Selena Gomez's Revival album.


My favourite TV series for a while now has been The Big Bang Theory. I honestly think this is hilarious. Obviously it's not for some people but I love it. Sheldon is mainly my favourite, I love the others like Penny but Sheldon is pretty amazing. If you haven't watched this before you should at least try it.
The only thing I don't like about it is that an episode only lasts around 20 minutes or so and I wish they were longer hah!


I also did a post on what my favourite makeup is however this product isn't really make-up. It's the Carmex lip balm in the mint flavour. The mint is very strong, and as I have learnt the hard way, if you get any on your tongue or in your mouth it tastes quite vile. Although, it does work. so I do recommend - just don't eat it because you'll regret it:). Or you could get another flavour...


Last year for Christmas I asked for a specific perfume, Katy Perry's Royal Revolution. I love this scent so much, I could sniff it all day. I'm not even going to try and describe it because I know I will fail miserably but take my word for it. I have actually used all of it up, so now I need some more so that just shows. Also, why is it that perfume doesn't seem to last long? I feel like I need to spray the whole bottle just so that you can smell it. I don't get it.


My favourite app is called 'freeprints'. To give a brief overview of what it is, you can select photos from your phone and send them to be printed. I think its 45 free prints a month however if you use my code - khardwick18- it should give you (and me) extra prints. You only have to pay for postage and packaging which is normally £3.99 but like me, you can also get express delivery which costs around £4.99. I think this is a great deal. You can also pay for other prints to be done in other sizes which vary in price but still good value! I recommend to anyone.


I only bought these items recently but I already am in love. I couldn't even think of doing this post without it. I have been after a few T-shirts that I can just wear comfortably but still looks put together. New look have a sale on and I couldn't resist. So when browsing I found that you could get two jersey t-shirts for £12 which is good. And I had a look through and I saw two that I really wanted - which works out well.
The first one is white with a little red chilly where a pocket would normally be. And under it says ''I'm a little chilly''. And I laughed when I saw this and just needed it in my life. Funnily enough, I am in fact wearing this as I type which is odd.
The second is a t-shirt that says 'Dumped the boyfriend, kept the T-shirt'. Which I also immediately wanted. It was also appropriate timing as I had recently split with someone. The top is also extremely compfy so this helps. The writing is towards the top so you could wear this with jeans or a skirt.  I will include a picture of this below.

This post isn't as long as I would've hoped however I hope you all had a good ol' read. If you made it to the end, without getting bored - congrats!
I might start doing these more often but I just never know what to write about for the items. Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing week.

Adios amigos!xo