Sunday, 10 April 2016

Going to a Wedding Fair!

Hey guys,

So I have no idea whether I have mentioned this in a previous post but Lee proposed to my sister on the 25th of September in Manchester and I couldn't be more happier for them.

They have been together for a good few years, I think I was ten years old so maybe 7 years, I have no clue. I don't really remember a time without Lee. It's like he has always been in the family for me. I don't have the best memory - I vaguely remember Samantha having previous relationships but nothing that made a difference in my life - to be honest, I doubt I even knew at the time. It was just a case of 'oh Samantha's going out? cool, what's for tea?'. As in, it wasn't really my business and didn't really care all that much haha.

But I think the first memory I have of knowing about Lee is when Samantha got all dressed up and went up to Manchester with Lee for the weekend. She was so happy. Obviously I don't really remember what I was doing but I do know that it was so lovely to see her happy. This could also have been the time where she had an allergic reaction to a face mask the night before which my mum and I found quite hilarious. However Sam did not. Sorry!

Anyway, anyway...onto the point. They're getting married in like a year or two. So that's happening. Haha. Today we went to a wedding fair which was pretty close by - just to look around. I loved it. I didn't really know what to expect but it was nice.

Obviously I took a fair few photos, which i shall include below. Just because I like to also think of my blog as a diary, so it makes sense to have these photos to look back on. Some aren't great but I like them, So enjoy!


 (a lot of laughs.)

 This makes me laugh. aww.

This is one of my favourite photos that I took today. I mean, Lee doesn't look like he's loving it but Samantha looks extremely happy and beautiful while being so. (Lee, you should really smile more:)).

I guess that's all i have to say for this post. I really enjoyed looking at everything - which sounds odd but true. It was nice to see everyone else looking at things like cake and dresses and looking so excited. I don't know, it just made me really happy. I hope one day I am as happy with someone just like these two.

I love you all. Have an awesome week.
Adios amigos!xo

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