Sunday, 30 October 2016

This is Halloween!

Hey guys,

This weeks post is going to give you some ideas (obvious or not) on what you can do on Halloween. I know Halloween is only tomorrow so hopefully you 'last-minute-planners' will at least have something.

I personally love Halloween. If that isn't completely obvious. The past couple of years, I've had a small party but this year I thought I'd have a break AKA my mum said no. I must say that it will be a bit disappointing that I wont be able to dress up this year, that's one of the best things! I may just dress up for the day time because why not?! Everyone I know have been celebrating Halloween so early. Anyway..

This year I am going round to my Sam & Lee's house (if you don't know who they are, where have you been?!) to carve pumpkins. Hopefully this year Lee wont murder a pumpkin! Hahah! I still don't know what sort of design I want to do yet though!:(. Next weeks post I may include a picture of what I ended up doing, if the topic fits in the post of course.

One thing you could do tomorrow is actually go out trick or treating. This obviously applies to the younger ones but if you want to dress up, take a younger sibling or relative/family friend etc. It also looks like you're doing a good deed so it all works out.

Granted this isn't as fun as you get older so instead you could buy some sweets for yourself, close the curtains/blinds and watch horror films. Or if you don't really like horror, you could always watch Hocus Pocus. Love that film!

If you are 18 or above, another thing you could do is go out drinking (responsibly.....) with some friends. You get to dress up - kinda, a lot just use this as an excuse to be half naked. Not that there's nothing to be ashamed of, if you love your body, great! But personally I like to be more 'scary'.

Related to this you could also have a party or 'gathering' with your friends, this way you can decorate with cool decorations, play your own music and have whoever you want there. Win Win Win. Just don't forget the alcohol! - If legal...

If you're lucky, you may live close to a Halloween themed event such as haunted walks, scare fests, etc. You could also go to one of these with a few friends. I hear they're quite good!

Another thing you could try is baking. Make everything spooky and Halloween themed. I have seen so many amazing things on Pinterest so take a look and challenge yourself!

How could I forget. You could also carve pumpkins! This is definitely one of my favourite things to do, as I have mentioned so I can imagine a lot of other people do to. You could also make this a competition and see if you or your friends/family can carve the best design.

(not my image)

I hope that this entertained you for a little while, it probably wasn't too helpful as they're all obvious but hey ho. I hope you all have a fa-BOO-lous Halloween (Hahaha I'm too funny) and watch out for those ghosts!

Adios amigos!xo

P.s. don't forget those Halloween songs!

Friday, 28 October 2016

Harry Potter! :Beauties on fire!

Hey guys,

I'm back, kinda. I know these are supposed to be mainly on Thursdays but it's not necessary so here I am. And for some reason it seems like forever since I've done a post, but believe it or not here's
last Sunday's: Catch up.

This weeks theme is 'Harry Potter' which I actually suggested so I obviously HAD to do this weeks.
As I am a true Ravenclaw I thought I would base my look on the colours of this house. If you want to know what house you are you can go to the Pottermore website.

I did this twice this week but the only real difference is that on one I used the NYX white liquid eyeliner and the other NYX matte black liquid liner. The rest of the products are below.

Products I used:
Rimmel Match Perfection 2-in-1 concealer
Makeup Revolution 'Flawless' Palette
Makeup Revolution 'Eyes like Angels' palette
Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara
Rimmel white soft kohl eyeliner pencil
Soap and Glory Brow Archery tint and precision pencil
Rimmel Lasting Finish Primer
Maybelline Superstay Better Skin Foundation
Rimmel Stay Matte setting powder
Maybelline master sculpt contouring duo
Sleek 'Solstice' palette
(Liners that are also listed above... obviously)


After applying primer, concealer and the shade 'Paper' from the Flawless palette I used 'Almost there' in the crease and the outer corner of my eye. To deepen this further I used the shade ' Smudge' just below the previous colour and blended this in. As the colours of the house are blue and bronze I decided to use the shade 'Aqua Dream' from the Eyes like angels palette all over my lid, and a little (I mean a little) in the crease, this is just because of my eye shape but you do what suits you best. I applied the liner and decided that the outer corners weren't as deep as I wanted so I used a little of 'Night' from the Flawless palette, just a little, make sure not to over do it and take the attention away from the blue! I hope you didn't think I forgot about the bronze... I used 'Gold digger' from the flawless palette on the inner corners and  also dragged this lightly over some of the blue - as you will hopefully see in images below. This makes the look more put together I think, more advanced maybe I don't know. Also if you wanted you could add a bit of a gold shade on top of the bronze but personally, I don't think its necessary. Don't forget to also bring the blue and bronze onto the lower lash line, so it balances out the eyes.

For the lips:

I actually liked this but hate how it looks on the photos I got. I guess the camera couldn't pick up how nice it actually looked. For those of you who don't know, you can actually use an eyeshadow as a lipstick. Crazy? I know. Use any colour of a bullet lipstick for a base, and then simply tap on the eyeshadow all of the lips. I love doing this for special looks, I haven't tried this for a long period of time but I'm sure its just like wearing a regular lipstick that transfers. I used the 'Gold digger' shade as mentioned above as this was also on the eyes. I thought by doing this it would all tie together. However if you want more of a simple and easy look you could also use Maybelline Colour sensational lipsticks in 'Rosewood Pearl' or 'Nude Embrace'.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and this look, tell me in the comments what house you're in because I'd love to know! Shout out to all of you in Ravenclaw!

Adios amigos!xo

P.S. Don't forget to check out Elisabeth's link up post here. She hasn't done a full post but you will still be able to find all of the other posts there!

Sunday, 23 October 2016

2016 - College update.

Hey guys,

I bet you all love my creative and thrilling titles. I'm glad you do, obviously a lot of thought goes into them! Haha. Anyway, I have decided to do another college update, as around this time last year I did a college post so why not do another? Besides, this is also a new course so I have a whole different perspective.

So, this year I am doing Art & Design. And for a while I didn't think it was the best choice, for a career or  anything. However, I love it - already. Last year the group grew quite close, very quickly. This is different and I still like it. It's like we're all getting used to everything and getting to know one another gradually. Which obviously is my sort of style. I am trying so hard to talk more but it's so difficult! I'm not doing to bad though, I like to think that I come across as nice and that they like me. Haha, maybe, maybe they don't! Oh well. I mainly talk to a small amount of the group and they seem absolutely lovely.

All of the tutors are also so nice. One of them talks A LOT, literally, he will keep talking about nothing for an extra 15 minutes! I can't complain though because they're all good people. Although our original personal tutor hasn't been at college for a good while now so we have someone else, who I knew before the course, because he was next door to my old courses main room. Honestly I hope we can stay with this tutor, I think we all do. We've had him more than the original now so changing would only make it complicated.

The work itself is so much 'lighter' than last year - I did Creative media, in case you didn't know. Last year there was a lot to learn, in a short time. I would stay up until four in the morning completing homework for weeks. This time, we have two years and its more about exploring different art processes, art history and such. So far I've only receive little amounts of 'independent study' AKA homework. As it's now half term all I really need to do is some more book work, and take five photos. I mean, I certainly don't complain.

I really am loving it this year, its different and something I really enjoy. Although, one thing I hope I do achieve by the end of the year is talking more. Not to an annoying extent but so I'm less quiet! If you have started at college, a new course or sixth form I hope you are all settling in well and that you're enjoying it.

Also before I finish, I know that I haven't been keeping up with the #BeautiesOnFire posts, I'm truly sorry! I will be doing this weeks and maybe next weeks. I'm trying guys, promise!

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 17 October 2016

Sexual Assault.

Hey guys,

So if any of you watch the news or even use social media, you will have heard the allegations made towards Donald Trump regarding sexual encounters and such.

Now I know that this debate is in America but its all over twitter recently and I just have to talk about it.

Especially the recent issue regarding his 'Locker Room Banter'. Honestly. I obviously don't know everything about the issues and what's going on but from what I've heard, I would hate to have to vote right now.

A clip was released when he was on some sort of bus admitting that he 'just starts kissing attractive women' or something along those lines, and that he can't help himself or whatever. How in anyone's mind is that okay. I mean if people are getting to know each other, sure they go in for a sneaky kiss and that's that. If the other person isn't comfortable that's discussed (usually). But with they way the clip was, he meant in general.

A few people have arisen and spoken about encounters that they've experienced, such as him walking into a fashion show (or a similar environment) when not everyone was decent - as young as 15 years. I think he denied (not too sure), but why would so many people speak up now, at such a critical stage or whatever, for it to be a false allegation? Why risk getting such publicity to then have a possibility to get hate? I know obviously this does happen but I just don't see why so many people would all stand together if there were nothing to stand up for. Does that make any sense? Maybe.

The subject everywhere seems to be sexual assault and honestly it almost scares me. Someone in my area has just been proven 'Not guilty' and honestly I haven't even kept up with that story so I don't know all the facts and such - hence why I'm not mentioning names. But, I've seen a lot of people say that it's good he's finally been cleared and that everyone should go hate on the woman who made the allegation. But how is that fair? I do think that if someone does lie about such a sensitive subject, they should have some sort of punishment. Only if there are actual facts to back them up though. I guess.

I mean, For a man or woman it is hard to prove rape or sexual assault even occurred. Many cases end up being 'Not Guilty' and fair enough, a lot will be innocent but again, a lot will also get away with it. I'm guessing from lack of evidence. What sort of evidence can you realistically give? I know if you report it straight away they can get DNA or something but what if he/she is too afraid to leave in such a hurry? If it was rape in the first place, you wouldn't really risk getting hurt again so soon would you? So if you were to wait a few days, weeks, years or so how can you prove it? You cant. And then scumbags get away with such things. And even leave mental scars on victims.

It really disgusts me. However, in no way am I saying the Above person who was found not guilty did in fact do it, I'm just using it as an example. Although I did read somewhere that he felt obligated to have sex with someone. How?! Anyway...

I do hope I haven't offended anyone with my views as I know this is a very sensitive subject. I also would like to say that there may be something I mentioned that isn't in fact true, but it is what I have read online/newspapers. The whole subject freaks me out. I am determined to not be scared to walk alone at night, to not have to use an app to make sure I get home safe. To not feel violated because men (well known or not) think it's okay to treat woman in such a disgusting way. - Obviously this happens to men but talking from my point of view. -

If you have been through something, don't be ashamed to tell someone, like your parents. I saw a hashtag on twitter relating to why women don't to speak up. 1. being that they are ashamed. Don't be, someone will support you whether you press charges or not. You're parents won't be ashamed of you, they will protect you.

Sexual assault shouldn't be okay. Anywhere, or with anybody.

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 10 October 2016

Reasons why Autumn is awesome & Halloween look!

Hey guys,

Yes, I know. Once again I didn't post on Thursday for the Beauties on Fire group. My bad! I'm pretty sure this was when the makeup I had ordered, was delivered.  So I obviously had to test it out, you cant really blame me.

Now, my favourite season is Autumn. Its the bomb if you ask me.

1. It's transitioning into cold weather! The best kind of weather. I'd rather snuggle up and be cosy than be sweating. Although, last night I wore a big jumper (the only thing that matched my makeup) out and I was pretty damn toasty all night. So maybe big jumpers are more for Winter than Autumn but still!

2. All the tress change to pretty colours. I passed some trees that were a light orange and some a deep red. So, so beautiful. I would've taken a photo but I was in the car - moving. I love how the air is cold yet everything else is warm.

3. It is acceptable to wear dark clothing. I love wearing the easier colours like black, white, maybe a little colour every now and then etc. But its just so nice to be able to wear a nice easy outfit including black and not get hot from the sun or not being the only person who isn't in summery clothes. I'm all for that black clothing.

4. ALL THE CHRISTMAS THINGS! I'm sorry (not). But all the Christmassy Decorations, cards gifts etc. come out. I've got a few gifts and most of my Christmas cards all ready just because I'm so excited. Personally I think the build up is so much better than the day itself because it lasts longer but oh well.

5. Halloween!! Obviously! This is one of my favourite days, along with Christmas and my birthday. I don't even know why I love it so much. Just the pumpkins, Halloween makeup, dressing up, eating food. I mean it is pretty great.

Leading on from the last one, I am going to include a photo that I recreated - not well, I might add, and also some with how I did it.

Credit to her, its amazing!!

I must say though that the only thing I don't like about mine is that the orange eyeshadow I have is glittery and that didn't really work out, So I would definitely recommend a matte shadow. That or a bronze shade, maybe even your contour.

Hope you enjoy, and that you are also enjoying Autumn as much as I am. I've just finished a lovely hot chocolate which you cant really do in summer! I may also do another post related to Halloween just because I love it so much, sorry not sorry.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 2 October 2016

The reality of periods!

Hey guys,

I am actually really chuffed with myself. I came up with this before today, and I feel so prepared.
Although, I could've written this in advance but you all know that's not my jam! Before I get into the topic, if you would like to catch up on this weeks #BeautiesOnFire post, click HERE.

So today I thought I would talk about the reality of periods. I feel like this isn't a subject that you see being spoken about openly a lot and it should be. Why should it be a gross thing?

Okay, so I don't think it's fun when people go on and on about it, because I guess it's just none of our business what's going on for them. But people shouldn't be embarrassed about it either. It's totally natural, we all do it (most of us anyways!).

I just don't understand why it is used as an insult. Like us girls get mad, irritated, down, emotional any time. It doesn't have to just be when we're on our periods. So bloody (haha) stop using it to make us feel crap about our emotions/period. I know a lot of lads who do this, and it just makes me sad. They were obviously not educated very well. It's a natural thing our bodies do. It's what mums, sisters, aunties, wives, girlfriends even daughters, will go through. So don't say its gross, because its not. Don't use it against us when we're not in a good mood.

I know personally I am like a demon when I am on my period. I think everyone knows when my time of the month comes. It's mainly just when the pains hit. That itself can make you go insane. I would at least expect free chocolate because that helps! Apparently it has been proven that it helps stomach pains related to periods. I'm not sure though so don't hold me to it! But yes, the pain that comes with not being pregnant is unreal - obviously you get pains when pregnant too but that's not what I'm talking about. If you don't know, which you probably do, a period is basically your body getting rid of all the eggs  that haven't been fertilised along with the lining of the womb. I like to think it as a 'cleanse'. In a nut shell, your body prepares for a baby and if there isn't one all the crap that built up for a growing baby, leave the body. Not the most pleasant thing but still, natural.

I like to be by myself more. It's just easier, no one stresses you out (for no reason) and you can just relax. So if someone seems a little irritated I suggest just giving them some space and letting them come to you. This works for me anyway. Obviously it will be different for everyone, but maybe try it. However don't just forget about them otherwise they will get more emotional (I know, a lot of work). Because of the hormones your emotions are all over. It's like if you get left on 'read' you will have a breakdown. Take note that this also works when people none stop message you, It personally makes me want to through my phone out the window.

Also I've found that you are always so tired. It' harder to sleep at night so then you're exhausted the next day. And normally a period lasts around 7 days, so it's pretty damn tiring. If you want a tip, I suggest doing something that makes you tired, like reading playing a silly puzzle game on your phone, watching a film etc. Something that naturally, makes your eyes heavy. This way its a lot easier just to drift off. Instead of turning over every 10 minutes - literally. You could also have a hot drink before you go to bed, obviously not one with caffeine but like a hot chocolate. This could also be a lovely treat for you. 2 in 1 my friend.

For me (and I'm sure a lot more of you other ladies), it's so daunting to go to school/college/work and be so uncomfortable. If you have even the slightest belly ache, take period pain killers then. Don't wait for it to come as it can take up to around 20 minutes to work. If you haven't eaten, even longer. I remember once, I couldn't concentrate on anything and I was literally bent over in pain at my desk. I didn't have any pain killers and it was agonising. If your school allows it, always and I mean always, keep some tablets in a little compartment of your bag. This way you will always have a back up, for you or a friend. I also suggest keeping a pad or tampon with it too so you don't have any issues.

Another time I had a really bad pain, I had to ask someone in my class for a tablet and it was so nice of them to give me one. But I had no drink to take it with. I hadn't ever tried taking a tablet without a drink before so I was pretty screwed. My school didn't let you eat in class (for obvious reasons) but all I had was a treat packet of Oreo's so I had to eat them to a point where I could also take the tablet. What I'm saying is, it's also very handy to have a drink or snack with you just for emergencies.

Again, because of the hormones (bloody things...) we get spots, so many spots. At this time of the month we already hate the way we look, and then spots join the party too! Such fun eh? But its not a bad thing to have spots. They are also a natural thing so just grin and bare it. If someone says anything just brush it under the carpet, because they obviously have some sort of issues themselves and if you accept that you get spots, it wont even bother you in the slightest.

I hope this is some what entertaining and maybe even eye opening. To know its not a walk in the park for anyone. And some people have conditions that affect their periods making them even more unbearable so just feel for those guys. I wish that mother nature could just visit s every month and be like 'Hey girl, you ain't pregnant.' and gives us a hug or something I don't know. I love how this picture relates so much to this.

Periods, gross or not gross?

Adios amigos!xo