Sunday, 23 October 2016

2016 - College update.

Hey guys,

I bet you all love my creative and thrilling titles. I'm glad you do, obviously a lot of thought goes into them! Haha. Anyway, I have decided to do another college update, as around this time last year I did a college post so why not do another? Besides, this is also a new course so I have a whole different perspective.

So, this year I am doing Art & Design. And for a while I didn't think it was the best choice, for a career or  anything. However, I love it - already. Last year the group grew quite close, very quickly. This is different and I still like it. It's like we're all getting used to everything and getting to know one another gradually. Which obviously is my sort of style. I am trying so hard to talk more but it's so difficult! I'm not doing to bad though, I like to think that I come across as nice and that they like me. Haha, maybe, maybe they don't! Oh well. I mainly talk to a small amount of the group and they seem absolutely lovely.

All of the tutors are also so nice. One of them talks A LOT, literally, he will keep talking about nothing for an extra 15 minutes! I can't complain though because they're all good people. Although our original personal tutor hasn't been at college for a good while now so we have someone else, who I knew before the course, because he was next door to my old courses main room. Honestly I hope we can stay with this tutor, I think we all do. We've had him more than the original now so changing would only make it complicated.

The work itself is so much 'lighter' than last year - I did Creative media, in case you didn't know. Last year there was a lot to learn, in a short time. I would stay up until four in the morning completing homework for weeks. This time, we have two years and its more about exploring different art processes, art history and such. So far I've only receive little amounts of 'independent study' AKA homework. As it's now half term all I really need to do is some more book work, and take five photos. I mean, I certainly don't complain.

I really am loving it this year, its different and something I really enjoy. Although, one thing I hope I do achieve by the end of the year is talking more. Not to an annoying extent but so I'm less quiet! If you have started at college, a new course or sixth form I hope you are all settling in well and that you're enjoying it.

Also before I finish, I know that I haven't been keeping up with the #BeautiesOnFire posts, I'm truly sorry! I will be doing this weeks and maybe next weeks. I'm trying guys, promise!

Adios amigos!xo

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