Monday, 17 October 2016

Sexual Assault.

Hey guys,

So if any of you watch the news or even use social media, you will have heard the allegations made towards Donald Trump regarding sexual encounters and such.

Now I know that this debate is in America but its all over twitter recently and I just have to talk about it.

Especially the recent issue regarding his 'Locker Room Banter'. Honestly. I obviously don't know everything about the issues and what's going on but from what I've heard, I would hate to have to vote right now.

A clip was released when he was on some sort of bus admitting that he 'just starts kissing attractive women' or something along those lines, and that he can't help himself or whatever. How in anyone's mind is that okay. I mean if people are getting to know each other, sure they go in for a sneaky kiss and that's that. If the other person isn't comfortable that's discussed (usually). But with they way the clip was, he meant in general.

A few people have arisen and spoken about encounters that they've experienced, such as him walking into a fashion show (or a similar environment) when not everyone was decent - as young as 15 years. I think he denied (not too sure), but why would so many people speak up now, at such a critical stage or whatever, for it to be a false allegation? Why risk getting such publicity to then have a possibility to get hate? I know obviously this does happen but I just don't see why so many people would all stand together if there were nothing to stand up for. Does that make any sense? Maybe.

The subject everywhere seems to be sexual assault and honestly it almost scares me. Someone in my area has just been proven 'Not guilty' and honestly I haven't even kept up with that story so I don't know all the facts and such - hence why I'm not mentioning names. But, I've seen a lot of people say that it's good he's finally been cleared and that everyone should go hate on the woman who made the allegation. But how is that fair? I do think that if someone does lie about such a sensitive subject, they should have some sort of punishment. Only if there are actual facts to back them up though. I guess.

I mean, For a man or woman it is hard to prove rape or sexual assault even occurred. Many cases end up being 'Not Guilty' and fair enough, a lot will be innocent but again, a lot will also get away with it. I'm guessing from lack of evidence. What sort of evidence can you realistically give? I know if you report it straight away they can get DNA or something but what if he/she is too afraid to leave in such a hurry? If it was rape in the first place, you wouldn't really risk getting hurt again so soon would you? So if you were to wait a few days, weeks, years or so how can you prove it? You cant. And then scumbags get away with such things. And even leave mental scars on victims.

It really disgusts me. However, in no way am I saying the Above person who was found not guilty did in fact do it, I'm just using it as an example. Although I did read somewhere that he felt obligated to have sex with someone. How?! Anyway...

I do hope I haven't offended anyone with my views as I know this is a very sensitive subject. I also would like to say that there may be something I mentioned that isn't in fact true, but it is what I have read online/newspapers. The whole subject freaks me out. I am determined to not be scared to walk alone at night, to not have to use an app to make sure I get home safe. To not feel violated because men (well known or not) think it's okay to treat woman in such a disgusting way. - Obviously this happens to men but talking from my point of view. -

If you have been through something, don't be ashamed to tell someone, like your parents. I saw a hashtag on twitter relating to why women don't to speak up. 1. being that they are ashamed. Don't be, someone will support you whether you press charges or not. You're parents won't be ashamed of you, they will protect you.

Sexual assault shouldn't be okay. Anywhere, or with anybody.

Adios amigos!xo

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