Monday, 27 March 2017

Mum, I love you xo

Hey guys,

I hope you all had a marvellous week, I know I say this every week but I do mean it.
Last week I did a post on 10 things I can't live without, which you can read HERE. But in that post I mentioned my mum for obvious reasons. And as it is currently mothers day here in the UK, I thought I would write a post for her.

So, we all say that our mum is the best ever. But i truly believe this.

She is such a strong woman and always, no matter what puts everyone else before herself. She really doesn't get enough credit for this alone. She looks after me, and the rest of us, but especially my momma who has Alzheimer's. I mean, I love when she looks after me because lol but I don't think she knows how well she is actually doing with us all. Even on momma's worst days, she is still there for her. Not even forgetting another family member who lives all the way in Nottingham (ish I think, who knows) who she also looks after and does most jobs for. I don't know how my mum copes.

My mum is also the kindest woman i know. I guess we have already touched on this but she is such a genuine nice person. One day she literally stopped the car, pulled over to pick up an injured pigeon so she could take it to the vets. I don't know a lot of people who would do that. However sometimes I think she thinks she cant have negative thoughts about people. Which obviously I understand but I mean more of being angry at someone. Sometimes she does and she'll talk to me about it but then sometimes she pretends everything is okay because 'that's the best thing to do'. Mum, when people are dicks, you are allowed to get frustrated. No one will think you're a bad person, you're no where near that.

My mum and I are so unbelievably close that sometimes I think she gets sick of me. I like to be with her, have cuddles and tell her I love her every time I see her. I love how close we are. I know most mother/daughter relationships include disagreements and arguments but I don't think we have yet really. None that I remember anyway. Even if I get a little bit frustrated I feel so, so guilty and go crawling back for a hug ten minutes later.

My mum is truly one in a million, and I ended up with the best one. She has been there in my best and worse times and she is someone I can definitely rely on, she's my best friend. I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

I know you are reading this mum, so I hope you had a lovely day, and liked everything you received (even though it wasn't much). Both, me and Samantha love you a great deal. You do so much for us and we will be forever grateful. No one could ever replace you, because despite all the crappy shows that aren't that crappy, and the loud chewing, no one could beat your hugs, advice and everything else that makes me love you. Lastly, thank you for helping me blossom into the woman I am now - I must say, you did an amazing job! haha.

Well, for the rest of you, happy Mother's Day, to all the mums, mums-to-be and the ones who are no longer with us. Until next week.

Adios amigos!xo

P.S. Mum, I love you xo

Monday, 20 March 2017

10 Things I can't live without.

Hey guys,

I don't know why but it feels like I haven't written a blog post in a while, even though I posted last week. I guess this week has just gone slower for me - not literally obviously. But if you want to read last weeks post about going to see Olly Murs live then click HERE.

In this weeks post I thought about going through 10 things that I wouldn't be able to live without. Now I haven't planned this so I have no idea where this will go but hey ho. Obviously there will be things like, oxygen etc that I wont include. Because lol.

1. The first thing I wouldn't be able to live without would be my precious cat, Guiney. (pronounced as in the queen or something like that). She can make a shitty day, less shitty (excuse the language). And yes, cats can be just as affectionate as dogs or any pet. Take my word for it.

2. The second thing I couldn't live without would be my mum. (and dad/Samantha obviously but this is focused on my mum) Even though the sound of her eating sends me insane, she's the best. I couldn't imagine having a better mum.

3. Another thing would be makeup. I love makeup, the creativity, freedom, and all the other great perks. Personally, I don't use makeup as a mask because I am comfortable with who I am and such. But on those hard days, that we all get, it helps me feel positive again. I guess if you're a makeup lover, you will understand.

4. I would also have to include shopping. I wish I had the money to do this but it used to make me so happy, like a hobby. I loved it. Going shopping for clothes, makeup, homeware, other people etc. it just made me happy. Although I must admit, when I couldn't find anything to buy, I'd feel really down.

5. My phone. More importantly, the photos on my phone. I mean I am one of the teenagers that are addicted to social media and the rest. But I would say the photos on my phone and the ones I will take, mean a whole lot more than my Instagram account. Probably not the best example as that includes photos too but you get it. Photos mean the world to me, well... the memories do.

6. These few have been a bit deep but the next thing I couldn't live without would be music. I listen to music everyday, whether that's when I'm getting up, getting ready to go out, on the bus, while I clean etc.

7. Linking with number 6, I couldn't live without TV shows/Movies. Basically Netflix. Some of you will think this is so strange but some of you will understand. I like to go to sleep with something playing. I grew up like this so its kind of just stuck. I wish music worked as that is a lot less distracting but any who. Plus I just love watching shows like the Big Bang Theory, The Vampire Diaries and lots more.

8. I also couldn't live without any of my 5 senses. I mean, if I lost one I would have to learn to cope, like a lot of people do. But I genuinely think I would start to get depressed. Which I think, understandably, happens to many people. I cold explain why each mean something to me but I'm pretty sure it would be similar for everyone.

9. My favourite drink, is Cola. so I had to include this. I don't really have anything else to say.

10. I have struggled for half an hour now trying to think of a final thing I can't live without but I just can't think of anything except one. My hairdryer. I know, random but it's true. When I leave my hair to dry by itself, it takes literally forever and also it tends to feel strange, I'm not quite sure what it is but it never feels the way it should. I find that, when this happens I just want to wash my hair again, which is a task.

But yeah, there's 10 of the things that I can't live without. Some are pretty random and some are pretty deep but oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed this post or found it somewhat interesting. Have a great week.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Olly Murs Live - again!

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well and party-ing hard (unless you hate parties, then I hope you had a nice chill week). Before I get into the post, if you would like to read about my thoughts on Ariana Grande's 'Everyday' music video, click HERE. Okay? cool. Let's move on.

So on Friday I went to go see Olly Murs live for the second time. If you know me at all you will know I have loved him and his music for years now and whenever I can go see him live, I will.
Some artist just don't live up to expectation but let me tell you, I can guarantee he sounds even better live. Even Becky (who accompanied me) would agree.

I saw him for the first time in April 2015 with Lia & Lizzie. I must say it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was extra special as it was my first concert.
This time was also amazing. I mean, do I really need to say anything else?

There's nothing better than seeing/hearing your favourite band/artist play your favourite song of theirs. The over priced food comes a close second though!

The only thing that bothered me was  the fact that my phone died after like three songs. Also I had filmed it on snapchat (because yes I am annoying) but yet forgot to save it before they had deleted. So I am extremely annoyed at myself but there's nothing I can do. Thankfully Becky had some videos and photos from the night saved so there will be more than one photo, thanks beck!

Olly never disappoints and I will definitely be going again if he does another tour.

One thing I love about being at a concert like this is that everyone there likes the artist. It's like a whole massive group of people who have a common interest and I love that. It's a shame we don't interact that much with strangers at these sorts of events.

The whole experience is worth it, unless of course you're not a big fan of Olly, then I suggest another artist but still. I loved it and I'm sure I will again next time.
I'm sorry this post is short, I just expected more photos - the ones I had taken on snapchat but lol. Plus the fact I don't know what else to say. I'm speechless basically haha.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 5 March 2017

About Ariana Grande's 'Everyday'.

Hey guys,

First of all, I just want to say thank you to all of you who read my last post 'Then & Now' (link). In less than a week it received over 100 views, and is currently on 111. I mean, I've had a few posts get more than this but this was in less than a week! Crazy! I'm not quite sure why it got that response but I'll take it! I love you guys so much xo

Now, I love Ari and her music. I think she has an AMAZING voice and her newest album 'Dangerous Woman' is one of my faves.

She recently released the music video of 'Everyday' which is from the album. And I loved it. I just think its clever, and I love the little details included. If you haven't seen the video, click HERE.
If you don't want to watch it here's a little about the video.

Basically it follows her in everyday situations such as the street, the bus, and such like. It includes couples making out, I mean going for it. It shows a lot of people being shocked and some people giving the nod of approval. And I just love how dramatic and humorous it is.

One of the things she includes is a range of couples, which I think is obviously good overall. I mean yes, I'm sure other artists have also done the same, but it's just so good when anyone does it! It makes me happy that people are becoming more acceptable of people.

Another thing I love is how she is embracing public displays of affection. I know its not for everyone but I think that is because we make it such a 'bad' thing to do. But who knows. I just think its such a good message.

Some might say, well she has younger followers as she has done several kids TV shows and such, so isn't it inappropriate? HELL NO.
First of all, if you are uncomfortable having your child seeing this, you should be careful as to what you expose your child's eyes to. But also, so many songs include lyrics related to sex, drugs etc, even from back in the day from some of the most loved why is it bad? Affection/sex is normal and maybe you could teach your child that it happens, and its not a bad thing -its just not what you do at a young age. To me, that's reasonable. (Some of you will disagree and maybe I will change my mind and decide that's an awful idea and I accept that but for now..)

Can we just talk about the fact that she, Ariana Grande, is 23 years old. She is a mature woman. She has grown into herself. Matured I guess. So just remember that. Music is expression, and that's what she is doing.

But yeah, I love the song, love the lyrics, video, message - everything. I also know that some people wont love it and I respect that. I truly do, this was in no way a dig at anyone just my opinion.
Love you guys.

I hope you all have a nice relaxing week and that the weekend comes quick (unless you don't want it to haha...).

Adios amigos!xo