Sunday, 29 October 2017

Hey guys,

So, I want to first apologise for not going back to last weeks posts and adding a makeup look. It honestly just slipped my mind. I’ve also not even ordered the makeup pallet that I want yet, which is what I was going to treag myself to with my first weeks wage - that was three weeks ago now lol. Just can’t get myself to do it for some reason!

Anyway, I’m not sure whether I’ve mentioned it in my blog yet but I have left College. I just need to pick up my work and I’m all done. It was stressing me out too much and I decided it wasn’t worth it.
I’m pretty sure I have mentioned this before so I’ll just keep it short.

I recently bought some new makeup with money I had previously saved (from before I started working). It mainly was things that I needed to repurchase such as liquid liner and mascara. But I also go a new nyx lip lingerie in the shade seduction. I love it! It’s such a lovely shade. I will obviously include photos. As long as I have decent photos of course.

Hopefully I shall buy some more makeup. I heard that nyx are putting all of the lipsticks together in a box as minis so I might see how much that would be. I do think it’s a good idea because you can try all the shades before commuting to a full size one. You can see whether you like the shade on you or not which is helpful, you just have to guess normally hahah.

I think maybe I’ve run out of things to mention so I’ll leave it there. Maybe I’ll add more but we all know what I’m like by now. But I am off tomorrow so I hopefully will.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Halloween look

Hey guys,

So first of all if you haven’t read my last post where I talk about my first job you can read it HERE.

On Friday was my dads birthday and today is my mums birthday. So a busy week indeed. Although we haven’t really done anything special, it seems I’ve been busy. Because I work now from 5pm, I only have the morning with them. But still it’s been lovely. And I hope they have both enjoyed their days.

Now it means is halloween! And I’m so excited. Not that I’m doing anything special but I just love the thought of it. I might buy myself some wine and watch scary films by myself, because yes that sounds pretty good to me.

I’d love to dress up for Halloween but I don’t really have anywhere to go. Unless I go round town but I’m not sure yet. I guess I’ll ask my friends what they’re doing. (For any friends of mine reading - HINT HINT)

But yes, I did intend to do a certain makeup look for this post but I haven’t been able to get the pallet that I want to use for it yet. So hopefully I’ll just add that section into this - if I do it’ll be on Tuesday.

I’ll also add a minimal halloween look tomorrow, a more wearable one so those of you at work or whatever can still celebrate if you want. So check back tomorrow and Tuesday nights for those!

And until then,
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 15 October 2017


Hey guys,

So guess what???????

I finally got a job!

Woo, it’s about bloody time. But I can honestly say that I’m kind of enjoying it so far. There’s something’s that I still need to work on but to be fair, tonight is only my fifth day. Apparently I have picked it up quickly. I’ve obviously never had a job before this so I don’t know what’s normal but I think I have done well.

I’d say that even by now my confidence has improved immensely. Basically I work in a pizza shop, taking orders (over the phone and over the counter), get sauces and drink ready, make sure the workspace is tidy and pack up orders. I think that’s everything anyway. But because I have to greet customers and speak with confidence it has started to skyrocket. So.. go me.

I honestly thought that this would be an easy job to start out with. I’d get to learn how to use a till, be able to speak to people better (and not be awkward) and such. I’d just learn what a working environment is like. However it isn’t as easy as I anticipated.

On Friday we got so busy we were struggling to get orders out. The phone wouldn’t stop ringing, so I was constantly going from the till to the phone for like four hours straight. I do prefer it busy but not too busy like that. Mainly because, I have to answer the phones and take orders, but I also have to sort the complaints. Some woman rang up and would not stop ranting. Obviously I panicked because it’s me, and there’s nothing I can do or say. I don’t have that authority to say things like ‘we’ll give you a discount’ or whatever. In the end I had to hand over the phone to someone else and have a minute outside. I do think I’ll get better at handelling it though, it’ll just take time.

The people who order, on the phone and in the shop, have mostly been polite and very considerate. When I’m working out the change I explain that I’m new to this and they normally just wait patiently and reassure me. Which is nice. It’s just the odd few - which I can cope with.

The hours aren’t bad either, but the only problem is College now. I’m not sure whether to leave and just stay with the job now. I think I will end up leaving. Despite most people advising I stay. I still need to do a lot of thinking.

Today I got my first weeks wage. I technically only started on Wednesday but still. I’m loving having money now. I will probably spend it all tomorrow but maybe, just maybe they’ll be some left to last me the week!

So far everything is good. I’m happy.

Audi’s amigos.!xo

Sunday, 8 October 2017

What I want to do

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

I should really start pre-writing these but I never have an idea for the post in the week. I have been doing this for over three years, you would think I know what I'm doing by now huh?

But I don't so here's another ramble.

My dad asked me today what I would want to do (career wise). I have had this conversation with many different people giving many different answers over the years.

However now, I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea because of all the options.

I could see myself doing a lot of things which is the problem.

Hopefully I'll get somewhere any finally make a decision, but I guess if I don't, its not the end of the world.

Honestly I'd love to make some money selling artwork but I'm not that confident just yet. I think I've mentioned that before but hey, I'll mention it again. Realistically, I'll probably end up working in a shop that I don't even like but hey ho, at least I'll be getting some money.

Also recently I bought another Jeffery Star Lipstick. 'Werido' which is black. and my god it is stunning. the formula is great and the colour is beautiful. I will say though that it looks better if you do one layer, and let it dry and then do another. This helps get the best colour, or so I've found. You can just do one layer but its up to you.

So to make sure this post isn't too short I will add a couple of cute photos. Please, enjoy.

I know this post isn't all that interesting for you guys, but maybe one day, I'll get my shit together.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 1 October 2017

I love it

Hey guys,

I already know I am going to be disappointed with this post. I had already thought of something to write about but I've had to make that next weeks post instead. So apologies for this post.

So if you read my last post, you will know that I was able to get a new lipstick. Now I was after another Jeffery Star liquid lipstick as I have 'Crocodile Tears' from his Christmas collection which I love. And I have been eyeing up several colours which I'd love.

After a lot of thought I decided on 'Blow Pony'. I absolutely adore this. I must say I expected it to be a tad lighter than what it dried as. When its first applied and still wet it looks like the photos online but as it dries, I personally think it gets slightly darker. Still looks fabulous though.

I wore this properly last night - by properly I mean for a more lengthy amount of time in public.

I must say I was really impressed. It is a lot less drying than my other one but yet also lasted lot longer without needing as many touch-ups. This is very handy for when you are out and about and don't really want to worry about having to check your lipstick all the time.

I don't actually have anything bad to say about it, other than the fact it does kind of stain your lips pink (but is that really a bad thing?). It doesn't stay for long but you can definitely notice it.

I'm very excited to get another one soon. Who knows what colour I'll go for next time;).

Here are some photos from last night. I had such a lovely time, not that anything was really different I must've just allowed myself to have fun. STRANGE.

Aww look how cute. :)
Adios amigos!xo