Sunday, 1 October 2017

I love it

Hey guys,

I already know I am going to be disappointed with this post. I had already thought of something to write about but I've had to make that next weeks post instead. So apologies for this post.

So if you read my last post, you will know that I was able to get a new lipstick. Now I was after another Jeffery Star liquid lipstick as I have 'Crocodile Tears' from his Christmas collection which I love. And I have been eyeing up several colours which I'd love.

After a lot of thought I decided on 'Blow Pony'. I absolutely adore this. I must say I expected it to be a tad lighter than what it dried as. When its first applied and still wet it looks like the photos online but as it dries, I personally think it gets slightly darker. Still looks fabulous though.

I wore this properly last night - by properly I mean for a more lengthy amount of time in public.

I must say I was really impressed. It is a lot less drying than my other one but yet also lasted lot longer without needing as many touch-ups. This is very handy for when you are out and about and don't really want to worry about having to check your lipstick all the time.

I don't actually have anything bad to say about it, other than the fact it does kind of stain your lips pink (but is that really a bad thing?). It doesn't stay for long but you can definitely notice it.

I'm very excited to get another one soon. Who knows what colour I'll go for next time;).

Here are some photos from last night. I had such a lovely time, not that anything was really different I must've just allowed myself to have fun. STRANGE.

Aww look how cute. :)
Adios amigos!xo

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