Sunday, 11 February 2018

5 random facts about me,

Hey guys,

Guess what? This post was kind of planned...although not at all. I had this idea but didn't think of any facts so here I am struggling because I don't seem to know anything about myself. Therefore this post may be a little short but I don't mind.

Some random things you may not know about me:

1. I'm quite an anti social person. However I get lonely. It's very much a constant battle with myself but I like to think I'm getting better with people. Since working I can talk to strangers easily without worrying too much.

2. I wear odd socks so much that when i wear an actual pair, I feel like I have my shit together.

3. Flowers are stunning. I think a simple bunch of flowers can light up any room.

4. I have thought about shaving my head. Like for charity, because I can never be bothered to wash or dry or style my hair. However I don't think I will ever have the confidence for that considering that my Psoriasis covers my scalp. Which sucks.

5. I have watched all the episodes of Friends except the last one because I cant bring myself to finish it.

I was actually hoping to do a Valentines makeup look however I just haven't had the time or inspiration for that. Maybe next weeks post, even though it wont really be relevant I may still do it. I'm a little rebel aren't I?

Adios amigos!xo

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