Monday, 19 February 2018

Catch up

Hey guys,

So at the end of last weeks post I mentioned maybe doing a valentines makeup look. (If you haven't read it yet click HERE) And that's not what this post is about. Haha.

But this week was definitely exciting.

I did a very adult thing and sorted my cars MOT out. It actually passed but needed a new clutch, so I had to wait a few days - obviously. And I must say, I missed it so much. I never understood how people got attached to cars but I get it now.

I also went to see Black Panther. My god it was amazing. There are so many aspects that are so great, for starters there is a whole group of badass female warriors to protect him. I mean, is that not such a big step?? It was lovely to see more strong females in a film. Plus the company was great too:).

Here's the look I decided on. The PJ's not included. Honestly I was really pleased with it. I hadn't done eyeliner in a while because I'm running out and I am trying to save money, but it only took one try! It was a miracle really.  

Okay, this whole post has been a shambles and I'll tell you why. I am re-watching friends and I just keep getting distracted. Also doesn't help that its half one in the morning. So I am going to 100% revisit this tomorrow and try and salvage some of it. Alright? Alright.

Adios amigos!xo

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