Friday, 17 October 2014


Hey guys, 

Recently I've been really happy, with nothing in particular just life in general. And I love it so much. When I fall down there's always them special people that pick you straight up or even catch you before you fall. They're the friends to stay with. Anyway. Even shopping has become a really big pleasure for me - even if I may spend a bit of money.. It's always been fun but because of the weight I've lost over the past couple months, I'm starting to see a difference and buying new clothes makes me so happy that I'm getting closer and closer to being really happy with my body.

The other day an inspirational man, Ben Parkinson, came into my school to tell us his story about being in the army. Everyone around me were upset by what had happened to him and all the injuries he had faced. But I wasn't upset, I was proud. Inspired. I may have nearly teared up but that was because he had lost his memory and that really hit me. But we all complain about little things in life that we either have to face or things we haven't got. Hearing his story changed that all for me, yeah I might get stressed and say things I don't mean and yes maybe I'll have a bad day, but it all gets better. Things can only improve in my eyes. His story proved this to me.

We complain if we get a simple injury, well he had lost both of his legs from just above the knee's. It just shows people go through different things and depending on the way you think, they're struggling a lot more. 

However everyone has that one thing they hate about themselves and this is okay. For me, it's psoriasis. Basically, if you don't know, its a skin condition. I'm not covered in it but its on my scalp and my elbows. People barely notice but if I put my hair in a pony tail they can see some. This can only be tamed and not cured. which kind of sucks.. but why should I let something so little bother me? A lot of other people will be struggling with it too. especially those who have it on their legs, there is some real sever cases and it worries me that I might get like that sometimes. But it wont, because I wont let it! even if it does, I wont let it ruin my life.

I'm sure you all have something you don't like about your body, whether its your weight, shape, height, condition or maybe an injury. Don't see it as something negative as it is a part of you and you are AMAZING.

This turned into a rant, and I couldn't be more sorry. but all im trying to say is, be happy, with your body, your friends, family and most of all your LIFE! you only get one remember!

QUOTE : Do more of what makes you happy<3

I love you all!
Adios Amigos!xo


Friday, 10 October 2014

Dealing with stress!

Hey guys! How's it going?

Lately a lot of people I know are getting stressed,( including my self!)'whether it's from school, homework, things at home or even people that have annoyed them. Sometimes people don't understand that stress is quite a serious thing as it can lead to a negative take on things e.g. Everyday life.

For me, I was stressed a week ago from all things happening at school. It hit me that I was in year 11, my last year at school. Soon, I'll have to decide how to carry on my life. And that's a big change for a teenager who depends on being told to do things. Also, I got a ton load of homework over the corse of like 4 days.. And I mean ALOT. It had me so stressed that I was panicking that I wouldn't meet deadlines and the amount I was able to get done in one evening. I was in a bad mood for two days straight and snapped at some people, which I don't normally do. 

I realised that I don't need to be stressed. You can't let stress take over you and the actions you take. I didn't do any homework one night, I didn't even check if I had any to do! I just had a chill out or some 'me time' just to calm myself down. And then the following 2 days, I was in the best of moods and felt so relieved. Almost like all my troubles had left me and vanished into the air. 

Now I'm not saying, don't do homework or ignore the world and not care about anything. But, I am saying, chill out. Don't panic, everything will be okay. And this applies for a lot of things, not just stress. If things are bad at home, do not worry. TALK TO SOMEONE and everything will get better.

My ways of calming down:
~ listening to happy music, on my own or with people.
~ drawing or painting
~ watching a funny film to make me laugh 
~ shopping ( one of my personal favourites!) 

They're mine, find yours and whenever you feel stressed or you need a break do them!
I hope this helps!

Adios amigo's!xo

Thursday, 11 September 2014


hey guys.

I thought I would write about bullying as yesterday I watched some YouTube videos and they really got to me. I think your all probably aware of Amanda Todd. for those who aren't, she was a teenage girl who attended school like any other normal 15 year old, but after an incident online with a man, she got bullied to the point where she decided to take her life because she thought that was the only way out of the torture. I don't know about you, but to me, that is just disgusting. To know that people do this to teenagers who are capable of a great and successful life but then, they wouldn't know that would they?

luckily, I'm blessed enough to have never been bullied - so far. Obviously I've had comments said to me, mainly because I'm bigger but I wouldn't call that bullying. They're just horrible People who like to put other people down. It's quite sad really. its just really bad that other innocent people have to go through some of the horrible things bullying does to you. I know it causes depression, and to be a teenager and to need anti depressants or counselling shouldn't even be such a thing! it honestly sickens me. Why do horrible people have the urge to take their anger or envy out on someone else.

If your recieving negative comments or being bullied please tell someone. Even though that is the only thing people get told, do it. It could save your life! don't be worried about what they'll do when they find out you've 'snitched' on them, you haven't snitched, you've done the responsible thing and sort it. Feel free to ask me for advice or if you have any questions just ask me. I like to be the person who helps others, wether it be advise, or just a friend I don't mind. 

I hope you all have had a lovely day! 

This is a picture of me in a dress for my nanna's birthday, I don't normally take full body pictures as I'm bigger and hate my stomach. I'm also worried about the comments I get from those horrible people, but I've learnt to just ignore them. The best revenge is happiness, so use it! I hope it inspires you to not be afraid of getting comments. (If you do, block them, delete them you don't have to put up with it!) 

Love you all, 
Adios Amigo!xo


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Being confident!

Hey guys.

So today, this is basically going to be a rant because i feel as though not many people - mainly teens - are confident and they should be, in terms of talents etc. (This is not aimed anyone.)

So as I'm sure all of you reading this will probably know someone who is practically good at everything or a lot of things, whether it be sport, art, singing, or just jobs you do in everyday life. And I'm sure you've heard someone say that they think they're 'up themselves' or that they hate them. Well I don't believe that ANYONE should say that they hate someone just because they are good at things that maybe they can't do. It's called jealousy and we all show it in different ways, but even saying that they're up themselves just because they know what they're good at and continue to do it, is still harsh. 

I'm trying to say that they should be proud that they know what their talent(s) is/are and that they show it to the world. People get hate for doing things they enjoy just because other people are jealous. If someone is good at sports let them be, don't put them down for it. There's really no need. Besides it's better to be 'up yourself' than to put yourself down for something you enjoy. 

Sometimes bigger girls are good at dancing but because smaller people are normally known for being good dancers, the bigger girls get hate, for example, 'ew, they should not be dancing' or 'look at her dancing, that isn't nice to see'. Just because it's not considered 'normal' for them. I thinks it's horrible. If they're good at dancing, let them dance. If they enjoy it, let them. There's no need to ruin someone's self esteem. 

Even if someone isn't the best at something say, singing for example. Don't put them down for it. If they enjoy it, then that's all that matters. If you don't like them singing, don't listen. 

* You don't have to be jealous of someone because they enjoy their hobby or are good at something, instead be supportive and encourage them to become even better! * 

If you are told that you shouldn't be doing something you enjoy or are good at, just know that they're only jealous and that itself should tell you to carry on doing, what you do best! 

I'm going to leave that now before I bore you, so adios amigo!xo

Saturday, 23 August 2014

The Ice Bucket Challenge Craze!

As im sure all of you know, there has been quite a few crazes in the past, say, 6months, e.g. cinnamon challenge,  7 second challenge and the neck nomination etc. Some are more ridiculous than the others. but the #ALSIceBucketChallenge is better than the rest. It actually has a purpose and helps others who suffer from ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) definition '' is a motor neurone disease (MND) with various causes. It is characterised by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, and difficulty in speaking, swallowing and breathing. ALS is the most common of the five MND. ''

Yesterday I watched a video that my friend recommended to me. The video showed a man who had ALS running in the family, his grandmother and mum had it, and he has just been diagnosed in his mid 20's. He already has loss of feeling in his fingertips. He explained that he will soon lose feeling in his arm and then it will spread across his body. 

He also showed his mum on the video, it showed him caring for her, he had to feed her through pipes and had to help her up. She couldn't move her head or any part of her body but her eyes. - that's when I started tearing up. To know that those with the disease can only move their eyes, and cant do the simple tasks that we can do for example, breathing.

I will be taking part in the #ALSIceBucketChallenge.

I will also donate towards the charity, probably not a lot as im only 15, but as much as I can afford.

I am going to be stood up for the challenge and will have several buckets thrown at me from all different angles. Just to ensure that I at least feel some of what they do.

I will write another post about the experience and how much I donated with a picture. so keep an eye out for that, it should be in about two weeks. 

so, Adios Amigo!xo

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

About Me!

Erm yes, hello. 🙈

This is my first blog post. I don't even know what a blog fully is or how to even write one.. So I apologise in advance. I hope to get better though, so hold your horses.

Anyway. I thought I'd start my blog off with telling you a little about myself.

I'm 16, 17 in December. 
I have an older sister, Samantha. You could say we're very close siblings, it got a lot easier to get on with her when she moved out to live with, her fiance, Lee (who is also nice and I'm happy he is now part of the family!). They have a Rottweiler called Conan. He is possibly the cutest rottie ever.

I consider myself to be quite creative. I always have been. As a child I always crafted things when I got the opportunity, I even used scrap pieces of carpet.. Sad I know.
I love art especially. Whether it be painting, drawing or making. I did art as a GCSE in school as I thought, you know, it's appropriate.

I am now at college, woo! I study creative media, which is basically TV, film, radio etc. I don't think I could've chosen a better course to be honest. Everyone is so lovely and easy to get along with and the course itself is really interesting. 

To be perfectly honest, I don't really know what I want to do in life. I'd love to be a YouTuber. Not because people think it's easy, which I know it isn't but because they get to travel the world, they can interact with their audience really well, and to be able to inspire people to be who they are. I'm not the most confident person you'll meet. I think this job would help that improve immensely. I do have a youtube channel but I don't really upload on it to be quite honest. But maybe that is because I just focus on this now instead. I think I would also love to do something with the radio, i have no idea though.

I think I'm going to leave it there, I'm not that interesting and I wouldn't want to bore you. 

So adios amigo!xo

P.s. Here is a picture of my face.☺️