Sunday, 26 April 2015

Skin Care Routine!

Hey guys,

Firstly I would like to apologise for missing the extra blog post that was meant to be up on Wednesday/Thursday. A lot of personal things have happened this past week which then lead to me not posting, however everything should be back to normal now.

Personally, I don't get many spots (thankfully!) just the odd few like we all get. I don't mind them, im not ashamed when I do get them because they are natural. I also don't like water - call me weird - which also means I tend to always have a spot on my face. Drinking water does help your skin and help reduce the amount of spots one would get and believe me it is so irritating that I don't like water.
Anyway, I thought I would share my normal skin routine which isn't much or professional as I don't actually know much about products or skin. My Sunday posts are supposed to be motivating and inspiring, I hope this helps you want to protect and treat your skin as we need to keep it healthy!

I use the simple range, just because I think this company/brand works for my skin. (I am not saying use this brand because obviously everyone has different skin therefore not every brand will work on the same people...) At night, I use the 'purifying skin lotion' first, this opens your pores which then helps clean your face. I then use the 'soothing facial toner' on some cotton wool balls, which is supposed to take all the dirt out of your pores and also refresh your face. I find that at this step I always feel super clean! To finish I will moisturise with the 'hydrating light moisturiser'. I also find that my face is SO soft after using this. I will also use this is my skin is just feeling dry and it makes all the difference. 

I've found that using them each day and night for a long period of time can make my skin quite oily, this may not be the products however, when this happens I use the 'triple action face wash' in the morning but still do the same as above at night. This says on the bottle that it helps fight spots, I'm not entirely sure whether I completely agree that this helps a lot but in the morning it makes my face feel refreshed and also wakes me up.. Who doesn't need that haha.

I use this once or twice a week (as that is what it says to do in the bottle), I will either do this before my wash shown above or after a shower. This also makes my face feel extremely soft like I can't even describe. I'm not too sure what this does, something important I imagine. I just know my skin approves of this. And I personally really like this product. This isn't a clay mask that you would leave on for 15 minutes but a cream that you apply and leave for 3 minutes which is super handy if you have to do this in the morning. 

And finally one of my favourite products is this, 'the rapid action spot zapper'. Which sounds dramatic and I was quite scared to use it to be fairly honest but it's nothing like that. You just have to roll it directly on where your spot is appearing and should help reduce redness and the spot. For me this does work. Even though on the packaging it says in 4 hours, I don't agree with this completely but it definitely does something and I love it. Again, not all of these products will work for you as we are all diferent but I'd thought I'd share what works for me. It might work for you. I'm aware that this post is boring but I tried. And hey, maybe this has encouraged you to find some products that work for you and help keep your skin healthy. There will be another post either Wednesday or Thursday as I will be back to the 'two posts a week' thing and hopefully you will find it more interesting than this one. 
Please comment any blog post ideas you would like and I will try my very hardest to write it for you. 

I love you all,
Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Healthy Habits?!

hey guys,

Look at me keeping this 'two-a-week' thing going! Haha, maybe it'll last, maybe it wont. Any way, the purpose of these Sundays posts is to motivate you ready for the week ahead, (I explained this in a previous blog post) and who doesn't need to be motivated to eat healthily? OK maybe there's a few that don't, but I certainly did.
Last year I lost quite a lot of weight as a result of eating better than what I did and everyone around me noticed. Therefore resulting in better moods and more confidence. Towards the end of each year the fruit starts to lose its delicious-ness, This then lead to me to stop reaching for fruit and grab a chocolate bar instead.

Well now all the fruit is tasty again, I want to go back to the way I was and I'd love it if you would all join me. Personally I'm not just doing this to lose weight but to also be fitter and have a better lifestyle - so this may take some work for me. If some of you reading this make a lot of smoothies please feel free to leave some idea's in the comments!:)
Today I MADE my mum and dad take me to Sainsburry's in order to buy some fruit ready for my breakfast tomorrow (and the following days of course). I bought lots of goodies as you can see in the picture below, there were more things but were irrelevant haha, (no, they weren't chocolate)

If you can see in that picture, there are some plain oats. I add these to my smoothies now as they act as your carbohydrate which makes the meal balanced more but they also make you feel fuller for longer. Just add a small handful to each smoothie and you will be able to tell the difference. Right now, as I am writing this post, I am drinking a smoothie (banana, blue berry, raspberry with yoghurt, milk, ice cubes and oats) and it is the most delicious thing I have ever made. (I use a Breville Blend active blender) Just thought I'd let you know, I will even be nice enough to give you a picture:)

I know this slightly went off topic but I hope you all join me by being healthy. Besides eating better means better moods, and better moods mean better mondays! So what's stopping you?


I love you all.
Adios amigo's!xo

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Letter To My Future Self!

Hey guys,

So this is just to explain what this blog post is going to be about..
Basically I am going to write a 'letter' to my future self - as it says in the title haha! I am doing this so that in five years time I will be able to re-read this and actually see if I have accomplished anything that I originally wanted to do (which hopefully, I will be able to say I have). This isn't going to be the most interesting thing you have ever read but you can read it and see if there is anything you would also like to achieve in a couple years time. And also why don't you also write one of these? if you do make sure to leave me a link in the comments so I can read it!:)
anyway here it goes..

Dear 21 year old Katie, (GOSH YOUR OLD)

First of all I hope everything is going well for you and you are happy. That is the most important thing - HAPPINESS. if you don't have it by now what are you doing with your life missus?! Go out there and find it. Do what you love and enjoy the life you live - yes cringy, I am aware.

I hope to dear god you have moved out by now because 16 year old you certainly would love to move out, even though she loves her parents with all her heart. To be quite honest I think she just loves interior and wants to decorate her home haha! What an utter weirdo;) So have you moved out? Have you made it into the most cosiest cutest home you could dream for? if not try and get that ASAP.

I wonder what your job is, is it a Blogger? Youtuber? Something to do with TV or radio? A normal job? What is it?! I'm intrigued  to know. Stress has really been getting to you as it is only TWO weeks until exams start. Can I just add, you feel so old. To say these past five years seem to have flown by I hope you've enjoyed the next five. Anyway, I just hope whatever your doing, WHERE EVER you are doing it..(I hope you have travelled by now..!) I hope you enjoy it and if you don't. Stop. Go do something you enjoy and make the most of it.

I'm going to ask you a very big question now, which almost seems impossible right now. ARE YOU IN ANYWAY CONFIDENT? I don't even care whether this is towards people, in your job or about your body as long as your confident in some sort of way I don't even mind! Right now, your still quite shy but your getting there..,SLOWLY. Be proud either way.

I also pray that you have lost SOME weight, preferably a lot. You used to hate your body if you remember.. (who wouldn't remember?!) And so I hope you have fixed that by being fit and healthy. This might be pushing it but I don't suppose you have started the gym have you?! have you even started toning up your body? I will be impressed if you have because to be honest, you're just really lazy aren't you? (well you were five years ago)

Finally, has your psoriasis slightly disappeared, maybe even practically gone? That would be lovely to know. In case you forgot, its painful and just a horrible thing really. So it would be nice to know that you have actually managed to clear it up. When I am writing this, it is really bad on your scalp, arms, and even ears now. I really do hope you have done something about this just so you feel good about yourself. If you haven't you definitely need to get it done!

I think that is all I want to say right now. Please remember to make a response to this. I am currently so tired from stress and from lack of sleep so I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes, mumbling or anything. I can't wait to meet you.. see you soon!

Lots of love,
16 year old Katie xo
I think, that is all I would like to say to my future self. If it isn't, I am going to write this up when I am more awake so I actually have it physically when I'm older. Again I'm sorry this isn't the usual blog post, but I thought it would be interesting to write and then look at it in the future. Hopefully I can keep this, two a week thing going so expect a blog Sunday night.
Adios Amigo's!xo

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Spring time!

hey guys,

So before I start this blog post, I'd just like to say I have started writing two other posts but I think I could use photos in them as I do want to start including pictures now. But if they say they were wrote a while before they were posted then now you know why.

Anyway, I don't know if you know Louise Pentland - sprinkle of glitter, But she writes lovely blog posts and I want to start doing more relaxed posts such as hers. For example she has 'Motivational Monday' which I think is a lovely idea because who doesn't need motivation at the start of the busy week? I've decided to do a chatty post every sunday which will hopefully get you ready for the monday which most of us dread. I obviously also want to post during the week more about all the other small subjects so suggests any specific days (or even subjects) in the comments:).

So recently where I live it has been extremely sunny and almost like summer (which is unusual as it normally just rains). which is absolutely brilliant. I even left my house to go out to the park with my friend Lia - who is fab and also has a blog ( - this doesn't sound like much, but to me it was great. Just getting to chill and catch up on the swings until late with jumpers on being all cute like. Also all of my other friends came to see me and we all sat on my back garden with duvets and blankets which was also lovely. Little cute things like this excite me for summer - even though I'm more of a winter person! Even though I love rain I thank the sun for letting me have these memories - cringy i know - but you just have to pick out all the good little things in life such as these. relevant quote below. :)

But wait, this blog post isn't about spring!? Haha, I'm rambling on way too much so I apologise. But i have took some pictures which i would like to share which are spring like. So I'm going to insert them now and just describe what they are below them.

This was took because it was sunny and why not:) This is probably the best photo you will ever get from me so appreciate it.

Oh would you look at that..I baked! cute I know.
Hannah, Becky and I went bowling and we all won a game which was so nice! haha. I loved it, thanks guys.
The day Lia and I sat at the park and chatted for a while also loved this.
I was cute and bought my mum some colourful spring-y flowers. Yes the best daughter award goes to me.

And that's all really, Just know not everything is completely bad, you just have to recognise the good in the bad. I hope you all have a lovely week and ill speak to you soon!
love you all.

Adios Amigos!xo

Monday, 6 April 2015


hey guys,

So I know this isn't my usual type of blog, but I fancied a change. - Don't worry, I will still be doing my usual blogs as well as i really want to start using my camera to take decent photos.

Anyway back to this, Tom kind of inspired me to do this from his video  - - as he talks about technology so I suggest you go watch his video after you have read this ofcourse!;)

I don't know whether its just me but sometimes technology scares me..It can track where we go and hack our information with out us knowing. However i also think its a wonderful and mind-blowing thing and I'm glad to have been brought up with it. Websites such as twitter and Pinterest I cannot live without. My iPad goes everywhere ever i go, I'm attached to it all the time.. (Yes I ought to calm it down, i get it!) It's incredibly weird when I'm sat in public, say a cafe, with my iPad using it easily and such but across the room is an older man who can barely use his phone.

I mean its not our fault we grew up with it, but I think kids should go back to the past when you didn't have a phone until you were 'responsible' and had to earn it! When I'm out I see young children maybe 5 with iPhones, how?! I'm still trying to get an iPhone and I'm 16. When I was five I was happy with a colouring book, god I sound old.. 

You knew where your friends were by the bikes and scooters outside the house, not by texting them. Everyone enjoyed being out with friends rather than checking their phones every ten seconds and being antisocial. Obviously I am guilty of this, I've grown up with the technology. Now to me it's strange when I don't have my iPad near me. This scares me to think that yes I'm addicted to the internet and technology but so are younger people and they have barely lived. I know I'm still only young and any adults that may be reading this (hi, how are you?) will be more likely to relate. 

Don't get me wrong, I still appreichiate technology and what great things it can do (I can't wait for new technology to be released!) however I think maybe we should all calm down a little. I'm going to stop taking my iPad everywhere, I'm not going to use it as much when I have guests and I will actually talk to them. Maybe we should all do this more and LOOK UP. 

That's all really, I know this was quite an odd topic and I didn't actually have that much to say but I hope you enjoyed it, I love you all 

Adios amigos!xo