Sunday, 29 July 2018

A collection of some of my favourite photos #2

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well.

I'm not going to really say much in this post as I'd rather just post some of my favourite pictures for the future me to look back on.
I have already done one of these posts so if you want to look at those beauties click HERE.

I love these.

Adios amigos!xo

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Getting out of a slump.

Hey guys,

I really need a better 'intro' but I hope you're all well.

This whole week has been quite the challenge. Mainly mentally.

I think it was down to hormones from my period but I have had a weird week. There was a day when I looked in the mirror and didn't even recognise who was looking back at me. It was ever so strange, it was like I was only half there. But I couldn't snap out of it.

On Wednesday I decided to actually make an effort with my appearance and applied some makeup. This definitely helped bring my mood up a lil', it always will. I'll get to 90 and still be winging that liner - well, hopefully.

I did also manage to get on the exercise bike for half an hour one day too. I was doing well working out and that however I have snapped out the routine so I haven't really done any in about two weeks now. I do believe that working out and exercise does help with your moods, personally anyway. Especially because I would do it in the morning, you get a sense of accomplishment so even if the rest of your day goes to shit, you know you still managed to do something productive that day. I'm going to make myself snap back into the routine because I actually miss it.

This week I also didn't believe anyone wanted to actually talk to me. When I did, I thought they didn't care for what I had to say, like it wasn't valid. I have no idea why - well hormones but you know. I even thought it about my mum. I mean, if you know me, you'll know I'm very close with my mum. We get along so well and to think she wasn't interested is very strange. She obviously was but for some reason my brain couldn't get that.

This week is going to be better, I shall make sure of it.

Adios amigos!xo

P.s. If you didn't read my last post click HERE and you'll be able to catch up.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Giving myself a lil break

Hey guys,

I have to start by apologising for last weeks post. I ended up not revisiting it and just forgetting about it. Honestly it was quite nice to (kinda) have a week off. I think I might actually allow myself to miss a week every now and then. It’ll probably help my content too.

Anyways, I hope you are all doing well.

I haven’t really got much to say this week - what a shocker.

However this week I did actually treat myself to some new makeup. By ‘new’ I mean just replacing products I had ran out of. Luckily Hannah had kindly given me a boots gift card which covered most of it. I only had to pay like £1.50 so thank you Hannah.

I repurchased my foundation, concealer, highlighter, and false lashes. However there was a deal on revlon, but one get one half price so I decided to also treat myself to a nail polish. I normally only get Barry m nail polish because they’re cheap and cheerful, but I’ve got to say, I kind of like this revlon one too. I probably wouldn’t pay full price for it (I think something like £6.99) but with the deal, I think I did well.

I think I may even treat myself to some new clothes. Maybe shoes I’m not too sure which but we’ll soon see, I’m sure.

I’m not quite sure what else to include in this post, maybe I’ll actually put effort into next weeks and think of an ACTUAL topic, who knows.

Adios amigos!xo

Monday, 9 July 2018

Hectic Sunday's - UPDATED TOMORROW

Hey guys,

I hope you are all well, and having a lovely chilled Sunday.

I can't say I did if I'm honest.

I will update this post in the morning so stay tuned. 

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Monthly Goals #7.

Hey guys,

- If you want to read #6, click HERE - 

I wish I could say that I actually managed to meet last months goal. I haven't done any baking or even been shopping for ingredients, so as you can tell... it went really well.

 If you have been readying my monthly goals posts, you'll know I actually set this as a previous goal and failed at that one too. I don't know why I can't seem to get the motivation to bake anymore.

As for this months goal, It's a bit ambitious but honestly I can't think of anything else to work towards.

I might try and get my Psoriasis down a little. Back in March, I did a post just to basically update how it was and where it is now (feel free to read that here). But since then it has flared up again, which I think is just down to the heat lately.

But as the sun is out, I should really take advantage of it. My mum bought some sun loungers too so I shall definitely be out on them as sunbathing does help calm it down. So maybe that along with applying cream will bring it back down to somewhat 'normal'. I guess we shall soon see.
Although knowing my luck, this will be the end of the nice weather and it'll just rain now for the rest of the year.

Wish me luck.
Adios amigos!xo